July 2, 2018

When we wade into the water, we can measure out our courage, and as long as our toes can touch the bottom, we have no need of faith. What happens when our toes no longer touch. Will we drown? Read more

June 12, 2018

All Kosmic Laws interact; they provide the ground rules of the Kosmic game; the laws of Lila. And, even more importantly, they apply whether or not we are conscious of them. Read more

June 6, 2018

We all "parachute" into incarnation. The rules of engagement in this "kosmic game" may take many lifetimes to infer. Gratefully, human evolution can benefit from trial and error, from science, from philosophy, from religion, but, particularly, from spirituality in getting the game right. Read more

May 29, 2018

Laughter is the difference between fanaticism and commitment. Any God at whom or with whom I cannot laugh is far too small a God for me. Read more

May 22, 2018

Was the fact that Jesus could heal the paralytic really enough to convince the Scribes and the people gathered of Jesus’ power to forgive sin, just because He said so? Read more

May 15, 2018

The Christian equivalent of the Hindu notion of “self-realization” is “salvation.” But salvation is grossly misunderstood by church teachers who see it as an action of redemption (literally “buying back”) from the grip of Satan, occasioned by the mythical story of Adam and Eve disobeying Yahweh in the Garden of Eden. Read more

May 8, 2018

Over the past two years, we as a nation have been beset with one crisis after another. One might legitimately wonder, if there is not a deliberate effort to keep public attention reactive and on red alert. Focus on these crises risks creating tulpas - new demons that must be other-ed, feared, hated, and resisted. Read more

May 1, 2018

History is the beach pockmarked with the day’s foot traffic, now being washed clean by the gentle waves of the infinitely patient ocean. Evolution beckons us to become storytellers tasked with the privilege of creating tomorrow’s fables. Read more

April 24, 2018

"The most important measure of religion is whether it challenges us always to move from selfishness to selflessness." Read more

April 17, 2018

One of the key lessons of karma is that there are no accidents, no chance meetings. Some people may come into our lives for a moment, others for a lifetime. We are all inexorably drawn to certain people for a reason. Read more

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