June 1, 2015

During the course of a sprawling but enjoyable combox conversation with atheist commenter Ragarth I posed the question, …specifically with regard to Christianity: what kind of evidence would you consider sufficient, and what is the evidence it would have to outweigh? Ragarth invoked parsimony: theism involves an intelligent creator, and an uncaused cause could just as easily be mindless as intelligent: Specifically regarding intelligent creative forces, there is nothing they can do regarding the creation of the universe that cannot... Read more

May 29, 2015

I was going to post something substantive for today, but I had a lousy day and I need a pick me up. Consequently, here’s Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong singing “Dream a Little Dream of Me”, which is exquisitely soothing. Really. Give it a try. Read more

May 28, 2015

The Dogmat saw many things this week, and all too few of them were goofy. A number of them made the Dogmat’s ears itch, though, so there’s that. Faux outrage, or sounding the alarm: Jane the Actuary talks about the merchants of outrage and the relationship between outrage, clicks, and ad revenues. The Dogmat has been known to bark at nothing in particular from time to time, but agrees it’s no way to live. There are only persons: The Dogmat... Read more

May 27, 2015

Recently I’ve been talking about the rationality of Christian (and specifically Catholic) belief in God, and how one’s mind can begin to ascend to the reality of God.  It’s an imperfect ascent; God is infinite, and human reason, even at its best, is both weak and finite; but with God’s help it is possible. Thomas begins, as Aristotle does, by reflection on the world around us.  He takes for granted the existence of objective reality, and our ability to perceive... Read more

May 26, 2015

I recently received a review copy of The Gospel of John, by Francis Martin and William M. Wright IV, from the series Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, and I’ve been perusing it.  I’m not accepting review copies very often these days, because I found most of the ones I’ve received tend to languish unread, which isn’t fair to the publisher; but I’d heard good things about this series, and I love the Gospel of John, so I said, “OK, why... Read more

May 24, 2015

photo credit: William H. Duquette, 2006, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas Read more

May 22, 2015

Mystical Body Dysphoria (MBD): A condition that occurs when a member of the Mystical Body of Christ feels strongly that another member of the Mystical Body of Christ is an alien being forming no part of the body and who must therefore be cast into the outer darkness. MBD generally occurs because the second member is insufficiently similar to the first in terms of apostolate, liturgical or devotional preference, evangelical priorities, political affiliation, or other areas of interest. MBD is... Read more

May 21, 2015

The Dogmat saw strange and amazing things this week, from Daleks in dresses to Tyrian Lannister à la Walt Disney. To wit: Good news for cosplayers: McCalls and Simplicity now have sewing patterns for you: So now you can make your Dalek and Tardis dresses using patterns from the bigs instead of the smalls. Of course, real Dr. Who cosplayers make their costumes using only a sonic screwdriver and a spool of thread. Microsoft to Teachers: Using Pens and Paper... Read more

May 20, 2015

Last year I read and reviewed Steven Pressfield’s excellent book The Lion’s Gate, which tells the story of many of the men and women involved in the Six Day War in their own words: I was surprised by this book in a number of ways. My notions of Israel are unavoidably colored by my impressions of the biblical kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the days of David, Solomon, and their successors; though I knew better, from other reading I’ve... Read more

May 19, 2015

Last week I explained why there is no magic bullet for belief, no simple, straightforward argument that will compel belief in the Christian God.  This raises some questions: how do believers come to believe in Christianity?  And how can Christian belief be rational absent such proofs? First, most Christians come to belief experientially.  Some are taught as children, and later reach out to accept what God has for them: they “taste and see that the Lord is good,” as scripture... Read more

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