October 16, 2018

Reflections on the past year. A crisis of faith in my fifth year of priesthood and revamping how I do my priestwork. A little bit of data and a lot of love went into the making of this post. Read more

October 9, 2018

This Samhain add some ancestors to your altar that can inspire and guide you. Women have shaped our science and knowledge for centuries. Read on to learn more about their history and struggles. Read more

October 2, 2018

The #metoo movement has taken the internet by storm as we continue to see our toxic sexual culture expressed in politics and media. Here are some practical ideas for how to protect your community from sexual predation. Read more

September 25, 2018

We look to science fiction to lead us and tell us how our future could look and even as pagans we allow magic to be a game of lets pretend. The real future is in how we use the actually skills of magic and transformation that our lives and religions have built. We have the tools to transform our world. We should use them. Read more

September 18, 2018

Divination can be difficult if you don't ask the right question. Clients who keep asking the same question, or don't seem satisfied may need help rephrasing and evaluating what they truly wanted to ask the cards. Here's some easy ways to think about a challenging topic for professional diviners. Read more

September 13, 2018

Get into the spirit of the harvest season with these simple and powerful ways to have tiny harvests in your own home. Celebrate the Autumn Equinox by creating your own delicious microharvests. Read more

September 11, 2018

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! What happens when you're the one they call and you have to bust that ghost? A basic guide for how to diagnose, deal with, and keep unwanted spirits out of your home. Read more

September 4, 2018

Take some time for self care by setting some goals for improvement this year. Use the boost of the new school year and even the power of mathematics for a charm to make those goals come true. Read more

August 28, 2018

A retelling of the story of how the first witch was created in the Lithuanian tradition. Learn the story of how a young woman tricked the Swamp God into teaching her all he knew, retold for a modern audience. Read more

August 21, 2018

Meditation and trance work to experience reality and time may be useful for understanding and relating to nature spirits and fairies. Let's get timey-wimey! Read more

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