February 28, 2018

“Resilience is a process of skillfully navigating through crisis with the ability to psychologically bounce back from times of distress” Why do we care about resilience?  I mean, other than the fact that life is stressful, jobs get lost, things break, love is lost, and generally bad things happen? Read more

February 18, 2018

A workshop outline for how to teach consent culture to adults at pagan festivals and convention by building dialogue and interactive activities. Read more

January 27, 2018

Rev. Jan Avende brings us a little brightness in the midst of winter with a shrine creation challenge with daily prompts and hashtags. Read more

January 19, 2018

After a year of devotion to Tending the Flame of Hope a report on what Hope means and how it's affected my activism and religion. Read more

January 12, 2018

It’s about pain, I suppose.  What do we do with the kind of pain that seems so easy to inflict on ourselves?  I read the excerpt from the book written by the daughter of a writer I admired: Marion Zimmer Bradley. I still have a copy of The Mists of Avalon on my shelf. I can’t quite bear to part with it, but every time I try to read it the history of its author and the suffering she put... Read more

December 28, 2017

Big plans are in the works for the Dandelionlady this year! I will be teaching at Convocation and Wellspring as well as blogging, and art. Read more

December 14, 2017

A Winter Solstice tale of the Sun Goddess kidnapped by the Swamp God and how the Sun's Daughters and the Thunder God set things to rights. Read more

December 5, 2017

In the face of Climate Change and Trump it's hard to know what to do to be sustainable and to make a change in the world as a pagan or druid. Be a Hobbit. Read more

November 16, 2017

It's literally piss and vinegar. Learn the history and how-to of witch bottles and anti-cursing magic. Read more

November 2, 2017

It’s like the velveteen rabbit, but sometimes it gets creepy. Here’s some things to know when your kids tell you that their dolls are acting oddly. Read more

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