“Church’s COVID-19 relief now the largest humanitarian aid project in its history”

“Church’s COVID-19 relief now the largest humanitarian aid project in its history” July 1, 2020


Masking the Set
There’s no question that COVID-19 has made filming (and many other things) considerably more difficult. James Jordan took this still photograph a couple of days ago on the set of the Interpreter Foundation’s “Witnesses” film project at “This is the Place” Heritage Park.


Here is some new material for your enjoyment and edification that has recently appeared on the website of the Interpreter Foundation:


“Alma 30-31 Two More Anti-Christs,” by Jonn Claybaugh

Come, Follow Me — Study and Teaching Helps: Lesson 27, July 6-12: Alma 30-31 — “The Virtue of the Word of God”


Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 27 “The Virtue of the Word of God” Alma 30-31

The Interpreter Radio Roundtable for Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lesson 27, “The Virtue of the Word of God,” on Alma 30-31, featured Neal Rappleye, Jasmine Rappleye, Stephen Smoot, Spencer Marsh, and Hales Swift. This roundtable was extracted from the 7 June 7 2020 broadcast of the Interpreter Radio Show, and trimmed of all extraneous interruptions.  An archived recording of the complete show may be heard, at no charge and shorn of commercial and other breaks, at https://interpreterfoundation.org/interpreter-radio-show-june-7-2020/.


And, just in case you missed the announcement:


“Publication of Part 6 of Volume 3 of the Critical Text of the Book of Mormon”




Finally, in other good news, here are a few items that will fuel the indignation of certain critics of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  They will eagerly seize upon these horrors for inclusion in their already bulging Christopher Hitchens Memorial “How Religion Poisons Everything” Files:


“Church’s COVID-19 relief now the largest humanitarian aid project in its history”

In March, the church began sending an additional 15 trucks a week out of its Bishops’ Central Storehouse in Salt Lake City. Over 16 weeks, the church has dispatched 240 truckloads beyond its normal capacity, with each truck carrying enough food to feed 1,400 people for a week


“Latter-day Saints Expand COVID-19 Humanitarian Efforts: Bishop Caussé highlights unprecedented global response in new video”


“Church Donates $20k to Birmingham Civil Rights Institute: Donation “not a one-time thing,” Elder Peter M. Johnson of the Seventy said”


A bit older:  “‘Helping Hands’ Volunteers from Six States Offer Help after Michigan Flooding: After Midland residents evacuated, volunteers from the Church spent their Memorial Day holiday offering some relief.”


From all the way back on 20 May 2020:  “Global Sacred Clothing Production Facilities Temporarily Produce Masks and Gowns: Facilities in five countries assist as Presiding Bishopric tours Salt Lake City plant during COVID-19 pandemic”



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