Tonight! (Tuesday, 5 October 2021)

Tonight! (Tuesday, 5 October 2021) October 5, 2021


Here's the official "poster"
Here is the official “poster” for tonight’s FAIR open house, which I use by permission.




Interpreter’s sister organization FAIR has opened up an office for the first time — at 377 East 60 South in American Fork — and all are invited to an open house for it tonight.  (Sorry I’m so late in calling public attention to the event; I’ve been busy and I wasn’t clear for a while whether it was fully public or merely for selected invitees.)  I hope to go myself; I’ve been involved with FAIR since just after its founding.  I would be happy to meet you there.


I’m very pleased that FAIR is now in a position to take this step.




Elder Kevin W. Pearson of the Seventy gave an important and very welcome speech to the 2018 FairMormon conference.  Here’s an article about his remarks from the official news site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:


“Elder Pearson Says Independent Voices Are Needed to Sustain Faith: Mormon leader calls on members to engage on social media”


If you would like to actually listen to Elder Pearson’s speech, here it is:


And be sure to listen to the question-and-answer portion, where he specifically mentions not only FairMormon but Book of Mormon Central and the Interpreter Foundation as worthy of broad support.




Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., whom many appreciate either for his successful leadership of the Human Genome Project or for his authorship of the New York Times bestseller, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, has announced that he is stepping down as director of the National Institutes of Health.  I heard him, just now, point out that 700,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, and that at least 100,000 of those deaths were entirely avoidable.


Get vaccinated!  Get your booster!




Here’s an appalling item from the Christopher Hitchens Memorial “How Religion Poisons Everything” File©:


“How JustServe’s Guiding Mission to ‘Love Your Neighbor’ Is Fueling Its Global Reach”


Have you felt left behind as we’ve chronicled the blood-curdlingly evil deeds inspired by religious belief?  Have you wished that you, too, might be able to join in with crimes, atrocities, and acts of injustice and oppression that are the signal contributions of religious believers throughout history and around the world?  Well, now you too can perform horrific acts that will help to keep the Hitchens File full for this and future generations.  Sharon Eubank suggests some practical and achievable things that you can do to support the fiendishly evil cause of theism:


“16 Things You Can Do to Be a Humanitarian”



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