A wife’s words have the power to build up her husband or to tear him down. Her words are like a “thermostat” that can set the climate for the marriage. We men aren’t usually as verbal, BUT words are very important to us. We desperately long to hear specific words and phrases from the woman we love.
Ladies, let me encourage you to frequently speak these words and phrases listed below to your husband. It could make a tremendous impact in your marriage. In addition to this list of ten important phrases below, please check out our new books “7 Days to a Stronger Marriage” (Husbands Edition & Wives Edition) which outline the 7-Day Marriage Challenge as a way to grow closer to your husband than ever before.
The Ten things every husband wants to hear (in no particular order) are…
1. “I trust your judgment.”
Every man wants to feel respected and trusted by his wife. A vote of confidence in his judgment and decisions is a sign of love and respect to him. Remind him that you trust him. It will mean a lot to him. If trust has been broken and he needs to rebuild it, give him the grace and opportunity to earn your trust again. No marriage can survive without trust.
#2 is so simple, but it’s also so important…