8 Ways to Show Your Wife Respect

8 Ways to Show Your Wife Respect February 22, 2018

There’s been a lot of recent discussion about how “men need respect” and “women need love.” This view has gained more attention with the popular book, “Love and Respect,” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. It’s a wonderful book and I wholeheartedly recommend it, but some people have missed the point of his book (and my previous post on 7 ways a husband needs respect from his wifeby thinking that men only need respect (not love) and women only need love (not respect).

Aretha Franklin belted the classic “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” and women worldwide sang along. The truth is that both men and women need respect (and love), but that need is manifested in different ways.

I’ve received some great insight from my my amazing wife, Ashley and countless women through face-to-face and online interactions. Based on these interviews, my own observations and Biblical principles, I’m convinced that the list below sums up the primary ways a wife needs and desires respect from her husband.

Each marriage is unique (because each person is unique), so this list may not represent all people. The point of this post isn’t to squeeze everyone into the same mold, but rather, to stir up some meaningful dialogue between husbands and wives which will ultimately lead to stronger marriages.

8 ways a wife needs respect from her husband (in no particular order):

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