Yesterday was one of those CRAZY days at our house. Every parent knows the kind of day I’m talking about. It seemed like chaos from the morning drama of trying to get the kids out the door before the school bus drove off all the way up to a noise-filled bedtime with a screaming toddler and two naked, unbathed gradeschool boys jumping on their beds. By the time the house was quiet (for the first time all day), my wife and I both looked like we needed to be treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder!
I think we’ve all had days like that (especially if you have a house with young kids), but even on those hard days, I try to remind myself that those kids are a HUGE blessing from God, and I have to find the strength to remember the most important parts of parenthood. The 7 guiding principles below have been a tremendous help in my own family (especially on the hard days) and I believe they could help your family too!
This is my family. The picture is black-and-white, but in real life, we’re in color. 🙂
7 guiding principles for parents (in no particular order):
1. Kids need your Presence, not your Presents.
The greatest gift you can give your kids is your time. They can do with less of almost anything if it means having more of you. Make time together a priority and try to be fully engaged (phones off, etc.) in those moments. I especially try to focus on bedtime, because it’s the time of day where there seem to be the fewest distractions (once the kids are actually in bed) and it creates the best opportunity for communication.