GREAT NEWS! The Marriage Page is Back!

GREAT NEWS! The Marriage Page is Back! February 12, 2013

Hey Everyone,

THANK YOU for your prayers, support and help over the past few days as we’ve tried to regain control of our Marriage Page on facebook (at which was recently taken over by a hacker. It’s been a crazy week, but I truly believe a miracle has taken place and the page is back in our hands. The hacker even apologized for taking it and I wholeheartedly forgive him and thanked him for doing the right thing by returning it.

I’ve already started posting new content on the Marriage page, and I encourage you to check it out if you are married or you are preparing for marriage. Here’s the link

This whole situation has been a great reminder to me that God is good, He is in control and He is bigger than our difficulties. I’ve also been reminded that worrying doesn’t do any good (I know because I worried A LOT) but prayer always does much good. Faith is more powerful than Fear every time!

Thanks again for your encouragement over these past few days.

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