Thank You, Michael Hyatt

Thank You, Michael Hyatt February 14, 2013

Earlier this week, I had the privilege of attending the first ever “Platform Conference” hosted by Michael Hyatt and his team and it included an all-star lineup of exceptional communicators such as Ken Davis. I confess that I was too cheap to pay for the “Master Class” seats, but I still worked my way to the front row about two feet from the podium, because I wanted to be as close as I could to the wisdom that I knew was going to be shared from the other side of that microphone.

There was much great content being communicated, but for me, the most impressive aspect of the whole event was being up close and personal and getting a glimpse into the character of Mr. Hyatt and the other communicators. Rick Warren once said, “You can impress people from a distance, but you can only impact people from up close.” From my up close vantage point, I saw leaders of exceptional character in how they interacted with the serving staff, their own teams and every person in the room. These are leaders of exceptional character, and I believe that is the true secret to their great influence.

I didn’t get the opportunity to thank him in person, but if he gets a google alert and happens to read this, let me say,

“Mr. Hyatt, thank you for encouraging, equipping and empowering me as a communicator. Your example has helped me launch one of the fastest-growing pages on facebook ( as well as refining and focusing my overall web presence which is now encouraging people all over the world. You’ll even see some text on this website (especially my “Speaking” page) that borders on plagiarism from but just remember, “imitation is the highest form of flattery!” Truly, thank you for your example as a man of Faith, a husband, a father and a leader. I am one of the many who have been richly blessed by your influence.” 

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