4 secrets of happy husbands

4 secrets of happy husbands March 10, 2016

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Alright guys, I’m going to share a secret with you…You can have a happier marriage. You can be a happier husband, and you can probably bring more happiness to your wife in the process. Sounds good, right? Here’s the best part…bringing more happiness to your life and your marriage is easier than you might think.

I’ve interacted with couples from all over the world (both online and in person), and I’ve noticed some consistent trends. The happiest husbands have intentionally adopted certain habits. I’m not guaranteeing these habits will work for every marriage and I’m also not suggesting that it’s impossible to be happy if you’re not doing all these things, BUT I’m firmly convinced that your happiness and your marriage will both grow if you’ll incorporate these behaviors.

In no particular order, A HAPPY HUSBAND CONSISTENTLY…

1.Prioritizes his wife’s preferences ahead of his own.

Hopefully, I haven’t lost you already with this first one. You might be arguing with me in your head or cussing at the screen right now, but hear me out. It’s not that your preferences don’t matter; it’s just that serving your wife by placing her preferences ahead of your own will infuse your marriage with new life, will give your wife the security of knowing you adore and appreciate her, and will bring more happiness to you in the process. Let her pick the paint colors. Let her pick the restaurant. Obviously, you need to weigh in on big decision that are matters of principle, but with the little things, defer to her preferences. When we demand our own way, we aren’t happy even when we get it, but when we choose to serve our wives, we can bring more happiness to them and to ourselves too.

2. Compliments his wife every chance he gets.

Unhappy husbands are always criticizing their wives which makes both the husband and the wife unhappier. Happy husbands always seem to be saying things like, “You’re so beautiful. I love what you’ve done with your hair! Wow, I’m a lucky guy. I love what you did on that project. Thank you for everything you do for our family. You inspire me. You’re such a hard worker. You’re such an incredible mom. You’re such an incredible wife.” Be her biggest encourager; not her biggest critic! You’ll both be happier as a result.

For more on this, check out 7 things happy people do EVERY day (by clicking here).

3. Remains faithful to his wife physically AND virtually.

In our world of sexually-charged images everywhere we look, the happiest husbands are intentional about deflecting their eyes away from every woman except his wife. Pornography pulls in many men, but the deeper a man gets into porn, the angrier he often becomes. Porn doesn’t satisfy. It often creates dysfunction and even depression. Keep your eyes AND your thoughts fixed on your wife. Be physically monogamous and mentally monogamous too. You and your wife will probably both be a lot happier as a result.

For more on this, check out The truth about PORN (by clicking here). The statistics in this article on porn are mind-blowing.

Great marriages don't happen by luck or accident Dave Willis quote davewillis.org

4. Prioritizes time with his wife ahead of his hobbies and other pursuits.

We men can be tempted to chase after things like career accolades, better golf scores, hobbies, money and countless other things that can’t love us back. Our time is our most valuable commodity, and when we invest into our marriage, it’s always time well spent! Your wife will be happier by knowing the place of priority she has in your schedule and in your heart, and you’ll be much happier too!

For more tools to help you build a rock-solid marriage, download our new MarriageApp from iTunes by clicking here and also check out my bestselling book The Seven Laws of Love: Essential Principles for Building Stronger Relationships.


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