Reality vs. The “What if” Monster

Reality vs. The “What if” Monster July 28, 2013

Danny Henderson is one of the most creative, authentic and passionate young leaders I know. I asked him to be a “guest blogger” on my site and below is a great post Danny just wrote about how to transform your reality. His insights encouraged me and I’m sure they will encourage you too. After reading, please take a moment to send some positive feedback to Danny. You can find him on twitter at or by email at

Reality vs. “The What If” Monster By: Danny Henderson

“Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take, but rather by the number of moments that take your breath away.” – Anonymous

I love to remind myself of this quote on days of reflection. The words resonate so true in my life and I’m sure in the lives of many of you. While those words have helped me through many tough days, there is another way of rewording it that is even more important.

“Life is not determined by the circumstances that come your way, but rather it is controlled by the choices you make to handle them.”

Everyday we are faced with choices that will determine our present and future. But so often we allow ourselves to be paralyzed by fear, uncertainty, delusions or a simple lack of focus. In our day-to-day lives we are often times satisfied with choices that are good enough for now instead of asking ourselves what is actually the best choice. We tend to hide from our circumstances behind the walls of “This is unfair!” and “Why me?” Our natural inclination is to either make excuses or run away from what presents itself at our front doors. But if we would take time to ignore the distractions, we would see unimaginable possibilities ahead of us! With all that is available to us in this day and age, the reality of what we can accomplish has never been greater. I have heard it said: “Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.”

Ask yourself: “What if I decided today to become the best version of myself, what would my life look like?” Then go for it! What would happen if you made the choice to stop living in the past and embrace that tomorrow can be greater than today? What if you decided to put your spouses needs ahead of your own? What if you loved your kids with a new passion that is present everyday instead of every once in a while? What would happen if you grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of water rather than the potato chips and 48-ounce Diet Coke? Imagine the possibilities!

What I have found to be true in my life is that my response to my present situation sets the foundation for how the future unfolds.

If I have a mental breakdown every time the power bill is higher than last month, imagine what is going to happen when the transmission goes out on the way back from vacation with the family. It is so incredibly important that we keep the most important things, most important. We cannot allow the urgent to distract us from what’s truly a greater priority. When I make choices that keep my main priorities in proper perspective, it allows my future situations and decisions to propel my family and me into greater places. When God is first, my spouse a very close second, my family third- the other things that fly around in my life find their proper place. When we hide from the right choices we hinder our families, our future and our potential. So today, be willing to make that hard decision in front of you. While you may have momentary discomfort, the peace and freedom of your greater future will finally no longer be labeled potential. It will be called reality…and its well worth everything it took to get here!

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