How to stop letting regrets from yesterday or worries about tomorrow rob you of the peace today!

How to stop letting regrets from yesterday or worries about tomorrow rob you of the peace today! March 26, 2013

A young woman wearing a hooded coat is walking on a dramatic beach in the winter

When I was a kid, one of my favorite movies was “Back to the Future.” I was fascinated by the idea of traveling through time and changing history. What I’ve found as I’ve gotten older is that traveling to the past makes for good entertainment but a very poor way to live in real life! We do have the power to shape the future, but unless you actually own a time machine, worrying about the past is a complete waste of your time and energy!

We should learn from our past and build on our past, but not ever dwell in our past. Just like the rearview mirror in your car, looking at the past gives us perspective, but if you’re staring at it all the time, you’re going to cause a wreck! We need to embrace the moment we are in. Don’t let regrets from yesterday or worries about tomorrow rob you of the peace and blessings God has for you today! 

If you are one of the many who feels stuck in a rut of living in past regrets or trying to recreate past glories, here are a few principles to help you move forward:

1. Your past sins were all paid for on the cross.

Jesus took the punishment that was meant for you and me, and by faith in HIm, we are totally forgiven. From the cross, He said, “it is finished!” He didn’t say, “you’d better spend the rest of your life feeling bad about what you did.” He came to give you life and freedom so don’t beat yourself up for mistakes that He has literally already taken the beating for. It’s time to let go!

2. Your past does not define you.

It’s easy to believe the lie that the things we have done and the things that have been done to us are what gives us our identity. The truth is that your past has helped shape your character, but it has nothing to do with your identity. Your identity comes from God alone and He loves you unconditionally.

3. Your best days are ahead.

Don’t get trapped trying to recreate the “Good old days” when your best days are still to come! Celebrate warm memories and milestones but don’t live your life in an artificial time warp. Each day God has new blessings in store for you. Every sunrise is a reminder that our God is always creating new beginnings and new opportunities. Don’t miss them by looking backwards!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

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