March 7, 2013

Nothing about my story makes any logical sense. I live in a relatively obscure part of the country, I don’t have a lot of money, I’m not particularly good with technology and I’m far from famous, but somehow, I reach millions of people through social media, I’ve had overt 200,000 visits to this website ( in its first month of existence and I have one of the fastest-growing pages on all of facebook ( People ask me all the time... Read more

March 6, 2013

As the founder and content creator of the Facebook Marriage Page,  I have a significant platform related to marriage, so I get asked often about my views on Gay Marriage and homosexuality. Recent court decisions have brought these issues front and center into the national spotlight sparking passionate debate. Many people much smarter than myself are sharing their beliefs, but I feel compelled to add to the discussion with my own convictions. My beliefs on this subject (and most every... Read more

March 4, 2013

Have you ever wished that was a “Life Manual” that held the secrets to Marriage, Financial Prosperity, Health, Happiness, and Life in general? I’ve got some good news…there is! It’s called “The Bible” and not only is it the Best-Selling book in history, it’s also the one book that has changed my life (and the lives of countless others) more than any other book ever written. Every Word of the Bible has changed my life, but the Book of Proverbs... Read more

March 4, 2013

Feel like it's really hard to figure out how to live? Here's help. Read more

March 1, 2013

I’ve never heard God audibly speak, but two years ago, I did receive a “Message from God” in a very unlikely way. This two-word message gave me hope and I pray it does the same for you. I had just moved my family to a new city and was serving as a pastor in a new church. The transitions and pressures of life and ministry with a young family were beginning to feel overwhelming. I felt exhausted, misunderstood, frustrated, discouraged... Read more

March 1, 2013

I wanted to hear from God, and he actually spoke to me. Here's how. Read more

February 28, 2013

You can sleep in peace tonight knowing that God is bigger than anything you will face tomorrow! Be comforted by the promises that God is with you, He loves you and He is working for you good even while you are sleeping. There is no crisis in your life, your health, your marriage, your finances or your family that God cannot resolve. I pray that these words below will remind you of the many promises He has given to us... Read more

February 27, 2013

There are 7 vital ingredients to a healthy, happy marriage. I’ve seen too many couples overcompensate with an extreme focus on a few of these ingredients to make up for the fact that they’re missing something. It’s like trying to bake brownies and following the instructions perfectly, but leaving out eggs or sugar. Even if everything else is perfect, if even one ingredient is missing, it’s  still going to taste funny! Let this recipe for a healthy marriage be a... Read more

February 25, 2013

I’m tired. Seriously, at this very moment I’m having a difficult time holding my eyes open despite the fact that I just drank a fully caffeinated Diet Coke and it’s the middle of the afternoon. Like many of you, I’m just in a tiring season of life. I’ve got bills to pay, tasks to complete and three young kids who bring huge amounts of joy (but also huge amounts of exhaustion). There’s a verse in Scripture that I read which... Read more

February 25, 2013

Wake up! Here are three things you need to know in this modern world - especially #3. Read more

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