Ten FREE ways to improve your marriage.

Ten FREE ways to improve your marriage. January 16, 2015

I often hear people say stuff like, “Well, I’d like to improve my marriage, but I can’t afford to.”

What they usually mean is, “I can’t afford babysitters, lavish vacations, expensive gifts, etc.”

If you’d like to improve your marriage, but you’re also watching your budget, I’ve got some great news for you…It doesn’t take more money to improve a marriage; it just takes more effort!

To help you out, I’ve put together this list of FREE (seriously, no cost at all) ways to invest in your marriage. You’re welcome 🙂

In no particular order…

1. Start out by taking this 7-Day Marriage Challenge.

2. Go on a walk with your spouse. Exercise and quality time happening all at once!

3. Once the kids are in bed, stage a “date night” on the couch with Netflix and microwave popcorn.

4. Go “people watching” with your spouse at Walmart and see who can count the most tattoos.

5. Make love. It’s free (and much more fun than anything else on the list). Here are “Six keys to better sex.”

6. Watch our free, 4-part video series on “The 4 Pillars of a Strong Marriage.”

7. Watch my free video on “How to have a stronger marriage.”

8. Take this “30 Day Kindness Challenge for Married Couples.” Kindness is still free and also very effective!

9. Find new ways to make each other smile. Here are 12 creative ways to bring smiles to your marriage.

10. Find a good church. It’s free and it could do wonders for your marriage. If you don’t have a church home, this free site could help you find one (plus other free marriage resources).

For additional ways to build a stronger marriage, please connect with me on twitter and check out my wife Ashley’s blog.

couple on bikes holding hands


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