Ten Rules for a Happy Life

Ten Rules for a Happy Life November 16, 2017

women friends

3. Spend less money than you make.

Happiness isn’t the result of how much money than you make BUT it could be impacted by how much you spend. In short, debt leads to stress and stress is a killer of happiness. If you live within your means and you choose to be content with what you have, you can be happier with a simpler life than the richest man in town is in his mansion. Don’t expect buying more things to make you happy. Giving money is actually a better strategy to finding happiness than spending money.

4. Be an encourager; not a critic.

Your words have the power to build up or tear down. Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already. The tone of your words will shape the tone of your life. When you choose to encourage others, they’ll be more likely to encourage you and the happiness you give will come back to you. We usually receive back the very things we give, so give good things in your words and your actions.

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