Do wedding rings really matter?

Do wedding rings really matter? April 27, 2016

Bible wedding rings

There’s been a shift in our culture away from wearing wedding rings, which has stirred up debate over whether the rings are still necessary or if they’ve become an outdated concept. I never take my ring off, so some of this might just be a matter of my own personal preference, but I believe there are some very important reasons to wear your ring.

I know that some people have medical conditions, job-related limitations or other factors which prohibit wearing a ring (though many have opted for alternatives like tattooed wedding rings or work-safe and affordable silicon wedding bands). Whenever we have the option, I believe we should make a wedding ring part of our daily routine. I’m certainly not trying judge people who choose not to wear their ring, but I do strongly believe there are important reasons to wear it.

There’s nothing magical (or even Biblical) about having to wear a wedding ring, but rings still carry some important significance and practical purposes. Below are a few of the most important reasons:

1. Wear your ring IN PUBLIC to communicate your commitment to your spouse.

Wearing your ring in public shows the world that you value your spouse and the covenant of your marriage. When you meet someone new for the first time, one of the very first things they are likely to notice about you is whether or not you’re wearing a wedding ring, and they’ll often make assumptions (whether true or untrue) about your character and your “availability” based on the presence or absence of a ring.

It certainly takes much more than just wearing a ring to publicly display a commitment to your marriage, but wearing a ring can be an important part of it. Additionally, talk positively about your spouse often. Display pictures of him/her in your office when possible. With your words and your actions, display your commitment to your marriage and your respect for your spouse.

2. Wear your ring IN PRIVATE as a personal reminder that every decision you make will impact your spouse in some way. 

I wear my ring even when I’m alone, because it reminds me that everything I do, whether in public or in private, doesn’t affect myself only, but also impacts my wife, Ashley. Wearing my ring in private is also a tangible way to be constantly reminded of our constant connection whether we’re physically together or apart. Sometimes, I’ll look at my ring and it will prompt me to say a prayer for my wife or to simply thank God for bringing her into my life.

Dave Willis quote marriage consider your spouse in every decision you make will impact them

3. Wear your ring WHEN YOU’RE TOGETHER WITH YOUR SPOUSE to remind you both of the sacred vows you made to each other and the dreams you share together for your future. 

We wear our rings together when it’s just the two of us, as a visual symbol of our past promises, our present blessings and our shared destiny for the future. When we’re holding hands and feel each other’s ring, it’s another tangible reminder of the beautiful commitment we have with each other. It can create such a special moment to be holding hands with your spouse and to feel his/her ring and be reminded of all it represents.

Wearing your ring is a simple way to visibly display the place of priority your spouse has in your heart and in your life.

For daily tips and tools to strengthen your marriage, please connect with me on Facebook and also check out our popular video course on sex, intimacy and communication in marriage.


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