Liberal suggests Trump be shot but I’m the bad guy for rallying pitchforks and torches

Liberal suggests Trump be shot but I’m the bad guy for rallying pitchforks and torches November 7, 2016

It was just a couple of weeks ago when I caught hell for daring to suggest that it was time for Americans to grab their pitchforks and torches, run the political elite out of Washington D.C., and take back our country. The mainstream media immediately jumped on my case about “inciting violence.” But what happens when a liberal environmentalist says shooting Donald Trump is a great idea?


But that’s exactly what veteran broadcaster and global warming alarmist Sir David Attenborough suggested because he doesn’t like Trump’s denial of man-made climate change:

“Do we [foreigners] have any control or influence over the American election? Of course, we don’t. We could shoot him… it’s not a bad idea.”

The media outlet that interviewed Attenborough, Radio Times, didn’t think anything of this statement, saying it was met with “giggles.” There were no giggles when I called for pitchforks and torches. Big media was ready to have me locked up for thinking too much like our Founding Fathers, which uncovers what is really lying underneath: their animus towards the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

And before Attenborough’s comment is written off as hyperbole, let me bring your attention to some of his other ideas, namely his desire to rid the planet of human beings.

According to Breitbart, Attenborough is so deep into man-made global warming hype that he is a part of a group, Population Matters, whose main goal is to reduce the global population from over seven billion people down to a more “sustainable” five billion.

“I can’t think of a single problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve if there were less people,” he once said.

So, believe me, it’s not just Trump that this man wants off the planet. But I’m the bad guy for calling on my fellow patriots to stand up against tyranny. Makes sense.

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