Since it’s ordination season, here’s a valuable phrase that every newly ordained priest and deacon needs to know:
May this rosary and the one who uses it be blessed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You’ll use that more often than you realize. Last year, I posted an item on blessings, for those who are curious about such things.
There’s also a good primer at the beginning of the Book of Blessings, which notes:
The ministry of blessing involves a particular exercise of the priesthood of Christ and, in keeping with the place and office within the people of God belonging to each person, the exercise of this ministry is determined in the following manner:
a. It belongs to the ministry of the bishop to preside at celebrations that involve the entire diocesan community and that are carried out with special solemnity and with a large attendance of the faithful. The bishop, accordingly, may reserve certain celebrations to himself, particularly those celebrated with special solemnity.
b. It belongs to the ministry of a presbyter or priest, in keeping with the nature of his service to the people of God, to preside at those blessings especially that involve the community he is appointed to serve. Priests therefore may preside at the celebration of all blessings in this book, unless a bishop is present as presiding minister.
c. It belongs to the ministry of a deacon to preside at those blessings that are so indicated in this book, because, as the minister of the altar, of the word, and of charity, the deacon is the assistant of the bishop and the college of presbyters.
If you’re looking for a nice gift for a newly ordained deacon, a Book of Blessings is valuable addition to his library. I have the smaller paperback version that comes in handy for, say, the blessing of cars and homes.