Ordination update: 6 new deacons for Bridgeport

Ordination update: 6 new deacons for Bridgeport June 15, 2015


From the Fairfield County Catholic, news of Bishop Frank Caggiano’s first diaconate ordination in Bridgeport:

“We come here with awesome joy,” Bishop Frank J. Caggiano said just before he ordained six men as deacons for the Diocese of Bridgeport. “Our hearts are filled with joy because you have said ‘Yes’ to the Lord.”

More than 500 priests, brother deacons, family and friends filled St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Fairfield for the ordination of Anthony Caraluzzi of Bethel, Jeffrey Font of Brookfield,
John Tuccio of Monroe, David Flynn of Monroe, Ernest Jeffers of Stamford, and Patrick Shevlin of Newtown, who had spent five years preparing for the day.

“On this beautiful morning we gather to pray for our six brothers that the Holy Spirit come upon them in the image of Christ. No one is worthy of ordination, I am not worthy, but in ordination we are made worthy” through the mystery of God’s love for us, the Bishop said.

There were two standing ovations during the Mass, one of the newly ordained deacons and another for their wives, who were called forth to the altar and gifted with crosses in gratitude for their support of their husbands’ vocation.

The Bishop called for blessing on the deacons’ wives and children, and for all the priests and others who helped in their formation. “All of you come here after celebrating the mystery of marriage, and you know what it is to love another person wholly and completely,” the Bishop said to the men.

Read more, see gallery of pictures and check out the biographies of the newly ordained right here. 

Congratulations and welcome, brothers! Ad multos annos! 


Photos from The Fairfield Catholic

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