Ordination update: 2 new deacons for Palm Beach

Ordination update: 2 new deacons for Palm Beach September 9, 2018

From Florida Catholic: Bishop Barbarito flanked by Deacon Zanotelli (l) and Deacon Sandigo (r). 

Florida Catholic profiled them last month: 

The long journey of discernment, study, formation and sacrifice will reach a new milestone for two men here in the diocese when they are ordained deacons Sept. 8, 11 a.m., at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola.

During a Mass with ceremonies, Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito will call candidates David Zanotelli and Martin Sandigo to the altar and ask them to declare their intentions to remain obedient to the local Church and to its bishop, and then the men will lie prostrate as a sign of total submission to God. During prayers of consecration, Bishop Barbarito will lay hands on each candidate, and the men’s lives will be changed forever as they are ordained permanent deacons of the Church, joining 98 other active deacons serving the Diocese of Palm Beach.

The Florida Catholic spoke to Zanotelli and Sandigo this summer. The men took time out from managing jobs, taking part in various ministries, caring for households and getting ready for ordination to speak about their journeys.

Read more about the new deacons here. 

The ordination took place Saturday. You can see the first picture above (h/t to Deacon Martin Serraes!).

Congratulations, brothers, and welcome! Ad multos annos!

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