Seminarian Seriously Ill with Cancer Ordained in Hospital

Seminarian Seriously Ill with Cancer Ordained in Hospital May 26, 2019

From Poland: 

The Congregation of the Sons of Divine Providence in Poland have ordained a new seminarian who is very sick with cancer.  They ask for your prayers for Fr. Michael Los.

Fr. Michael was diagnosed with an acute form of cancer one month ago. He graduated from the Major Seminary of Saint Luigi Orione.

Pope Francis, on May 24, 2019, gave his permission for him to be ordained in the oncology ward of Warsaw. The bishop of the Warsaw-Praga diocese, Marek Solarczyk , ordained Michael as a deacon and as a priest.  Fr. Michael was able to give those in attendance his first priestly blessing.

The Facebook page for Biloxi Vocations posted this image, his first Mass:

You can watch video of the ordination below. Pray for this new priest!

Święcenia kapłańskie ks. Michała Łosa FDP

Posted by Orioniści – Prowincja Polska on Friday, May 24, 2019

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