“If you would’ve told me in April that I would be converting to Catholicism in October, I would have laughed in your face.”

A serious and thoughtful young Reformed Presbyterian, Katy Bagley, is chronicling her journey of faith on her blog, The Tiny Disciples, and that journey has just taken an unexpected detour — she just announced she’s becoming Catholic:
If you would’ve told me in April that I would be converting to Catholicism in October, I would have laughed in your face. I was dead-set on being a Reformed Presbyterian.
I never hated Catholicism. In fact, it always intrigued me. I adored looking at photos of beautiful churches, religious statues, paintings, etc. I thought the liturgy was beautiful, and I adored the hymns. The fact that Christianity was historically Catholic forced me to have some semblance of respect for it. So, where did this journey begin?
Her latest post explains it all and concludes:
I believe the Church is true. I believe that in her sacraments, she will make me the best Christian I can be. And that is what is most important to me. The doctrinal nuances aren’t what won me—it’s the fact that these things are satisfied and the realization that I have been heading here for a long time.
Each step down the train of orthodoxy was leading me home. People around me have been saying, “But didn’t you just become Reformed?” Yes. “How do you know you won’t change your mind?” Because I look back and see that I was searching for Rome. The reverence, liturgy, etc., all could be found with each staggering step towards more “traditional” Protestantism. But a hole was still there, and this summer shook my foundation enough for me to realize that the hole was a lot bigger than I’d realized. I wasn’t looking for more tradition. I was looking for what the early Church practiced. I was looking for Catholicism.
“Dedicating 45 minutes a week to be with the Blessed Sacrament has changed my life.”
Please pray for me on this journey. It hasn’t been easy. There’s been tears, joy, excitement, mourning, etc. The only things that have been sustaining me are the friends I mentioned above, and time with Jesus during Eucharistic Adoration. Dedicating 45 minutes a week to be with the Blessed Sacrament has changed my life. God has been so faithful. Our Lady has been gently showing me her mother’s touch. Saint Francis de Sales picked me, of all people, and I am so excited to be able to call him my confirmation saint.
So, I’m becoming Catholic. The journey’s been long, and hard, but Christ is on the other side of it in His fullness. I cannot wait to receive Him in the Eucharist, and I pray that my story touches the hearts of Catholics and non-Catholics. It’s not particularly interesting, but it’s mine. And I’m proud of it.
I’m going through RCIA currently at a parish in town, and yes, I’m still doing my internship at Christ Pres. My pastors are wonderful, accommodating, and supportive. Thanks be to God for that.
Well, friends. Until next time. Ora pro me!
Read it all. And keep her and all those walking a similar path in your prayers!