Crying foul: Catholic school changes policy, opens no-cursing pledge to boys

Crying foul: Catholic school changes policy, opens no-cursing pledge to boys February 5, 2013


An update on a story from the weekend.  

From our Potty Mouth Desk: 

Days after a coed Catholic school made headlines for asking only its girls to take a pledge to stop cursing, it administered the oath Monday to some boys who sought equal opportunity.

Some staff members at Queen of Peace High School in North Arlington were upset that the media attention and online comments that followed The Record’s coverage of the girls-only pledge on Friday focused largely on criticism that the campaign was sexist.

The school administered the civility pledge Monday to teenage boys who chose to participate, said Jim Goodness, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Newark, which oversees the school.

“Once the boys heard about it on Friday or Saturday, a lot of them said, ‘We’d like to get in on it,’” Goodness said. It was unclear how many boys took part, he said.

Read the rest. 

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