From the Vault: Divine Wedgie Podcasts on Soundcloud

From the Vault: Divine Wedgie Podcasts on Soundcloud October 26, 2017


It has been busy at the office, and so I have been unable to to write a new post this week. However, it has prompted me to revisit old material that, even though it might have been produced in the recent past, would have been long since forgotten.

While I have written about podcasts by the Divine Wedgie on Cradio, I also have produced a few other podcasts in my own right, in association with friends at Campion College Australia, DePaul University in Chicago and the Dawson Society in Western Australia. These podcasts have largely been in the form of conference papers, library and dinner presentations, as well as informal discussions with colleagues about particular issues.

Topics include:

There are others besides and I had fun recording these. These can be conveniently found on my soundcloud page.

Please enjoy. I would love to hear your feedback if you feel inclined to do so.

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