Okay, Witches. We’re going to be in this for a while. While we all hoped we could stop social distance in time to celebrate the resurrection of our Christian family’s God (aka Easter, aka Fabulous Brunch Day), that’s not going to happen. In fact, the governor of the state where I live has just decreed that schools will not re-open before the end of the school year, and restaurants are closed indefinitely. We don’t know when this will end, so we might want to add a few things to our list to keep us from clawing holes in our walls.
Consider donating to causes helping those experiencing hardship at the moment, such as The Plate Fund.
I hope this is helpful! I have added a nice, easy list of things you, a bored Witch, can do to keep yourself busy while this situation rolls on.
1.) Label Your Jars
You may think you may be able to remember what herb concoction you stuck in the old spice jar last week and for a while you will. But a year from now, when things are FINALLY back to normal, you’ll forget what they were meant for. Label them now, while you remember. It also helps the concoction remember its purpose, too.
2.) Identify Invasive Plants And Learn Their Magickal Purpose
While remembering to practice safe social distance, take a peek in your yard, around your building, or park (if it’s open) and try to identify some invasive plants. Using an app like Seek is very helpful in this process. Then, do a little more research to find out what its Magickal purposes are. If you can’t find any traditional use for the plant, look up its natural qualities. What does it do in nature? Does it strangle other plants? What a great herb to stifle competition or negative energy! Is it particularly abundant in the spring time? It may be an excellent herb for revitalizing a situation! Invasive plants can be a true boon in Magick, and removing them is helpful for the local environment. Remember: Do not ingest or bathe with herbs without first consulting a professional. Even wild plants considered safe to eat may be contaminated with pesticides. Consider using only in Magickal work (aka, sprinkle around a candle or make into an amulet).
3.) Check-in With Your Goblins. Make Sure They’re Looking For A Maid Of Sixteen With Hair Of Spun Gold And Lips Red As The Rose
Those morons might still be out there looking for a baby.
4.) Tidy Your Altar
Wash altar cloths. Remove old offerings. Make sure everything on there is still in regular use. If a Tarot deck you never touch is still lingering on there, consider putting it away or giving it away. Stagnant items mean stagnant energy, and you don’t want stagnant energy in your Magick…or life!
5.) Read A Book From Your Un-read Collection
Like many Witches, you likely have somewhere between a dozen and a hundred books that have yet to be read. While it’s great order more books during this time (definitely support your local bookstores!), consider dusting off a book that’s been sitting around for a while. Even if it’s been out for a while, be sure to give it a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads! It means the world to Pagan authors!
6.) Send Your Eels After That Little Mermaid To Make Sure She Hasn’t Schtupped The Prince, Yet
That little tramp may be better than you thought.
7.) Check Out A New Witchcraft Podcast
I highly recommend When God Was Queer, Hoof and Horn Podcast, and The Science Witch.
My own podcast, That Witch Life, is also offering weekly bonus episodes!
8.) Step Up Your Daily Magickal Routine
Or start one, if you don’t have one! Try to sit at your altar twice a day instead of once, or maybe increase the time you would typically step it up. Add a chant, include some silence. Ring a bell if you don’t, try a different incense. It might come in handy when you’re ready to get back into the regular world.
9.) Work On Your Relationship With Your Flying Monkeys, Make Sure They Have Your Back In Case A Little Tart From Kansas Steals Your Dead Sister’s Shoes Or Hurls A Bucket Of Water In Your Face.
They can be fickle little bastards.
10.) Journal
It’s good for all of us!
Be good to you, be good to others. Take it an hour at a time when day-at-a-time is too much. Stay home, stay healthy. Wash your filthy hands!!!