First Liberty Briefing: Supreme Court Nominee Judge Gorsuch Has Solid Record on Religious Freedom

First Liberty Briefing: Supreme Court Nominee Judge Gorsuch Has Solid Record on Religious Freedom February 7, 2017

The wait for the Supreme Court nomination is now over. His qualifications for the office are unquestionable. But what does his record reflect on the issue of religious liberty?

Thank you for joining us for the First Liberty Briefing, an exclusive podcast where host Jeremy Dys—also First Liberty Senior Counsel—provides an insider’s look at the stories, cases, people and laws that have made America the world’s leader in protecting religious liberty.

The long wait to see what kind of a judge President Trump would appoint to the nation’s Highest Court is now over. Just ahead looms the confirmation battle for Judge Neil Gorsuch. His qualifications for the office are unquestionable. With degrees from Columbia, Harvard and Oxford, there can be little doubt about his intelligence.

Supreme Court Nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch's Record on Religious Freedom
Image: Alex Wong

But what about his record as a judge?

Well, at First Liberty Institute, we have one criterion for evaluating judicial candidates: Does his record reflect a history of upholding the Constitution, especially as to religious liberty?

Well, I’m happy to say that it does!

Judge Gorsuch wrote in joined opinions supporting the rights of ministries like Little Sisters of the Poor and closely held family businesses like Hobby Lobby to be free from the burden imposed by the Health and Human Services’ abortion pill mandate.

He wrote or signed opinions upholding the Constitutionality of the public display of Ten Commandments monuments and even wrote an opinion defending the existence of cross-shaped memorials for fallen state troopers.

Whether Neil Gorsuch will adequately fill the shoes of the late Justice Scalia is impossible to fully predict. What we can say with some confidence is that Judge Gorsuch has a history of defending the First Amendment from the bench.

We hope that Justice Gorsuch which will live up to the American people’s expectation and strongly protect our Constitutional freedoms.

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First Liberty Institute is the largest organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to protecting religious freedom for all Americans. Find out more here.

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