This Week’s Energy is Primed for some Magic

This Week’s Energy is Primed for some Magic August 7, 2023

All this week, and really peaking on Wednesday, is some great energy for spell-work in the areas of relationships, money, and using your voice!

You have the sun amplifying the planetary energy of Venus, which has a lot do with relationships, money/ wealth, and those dreamy positive emotions and desires. It is sitting in the sign of Leo which is a fixed Fire sign, meaning deep and lasting actions and movement. All this also accompanied by the energies of Mars and Mercury at the feet of the lion – The power of passion, courage, and personal power, especially in the realm of the voice and communication.

So let’s jump into some spell-work or actions to consider with all of this!


Romance/ Love

If you have been having difficulty with communication or expressing yourself with a partner – this is a great time to work through that. Let the power of Mercury give strength to your voice. To speak clearly and build effective communication between you – bringing you to a new level. Let the Power of Mars boost your ability to act. All enhanced with the courage of the lion, the love and passion of Venus and boosted strength and renewal of the sun!

Perhaps there is someone you want to build a new bond with. This energy is great for opening that door. To give you the courage and power to follow that passion and curiosity. The Sun enhancing the beauty within, bringing it outward, so your intended can see it shine. Choose your words with confidence and fuel them with the fire of emotions within you. Let them flow from the depths of you, the truth of what you feel.

Love Poppet – art by Esa

Self Love/ Empowerment

Time to shine!

If you have been struggling with seeing your true self, the power you hold, all the wonderful aspects of yourself – take this week to bring them all to the forefront and outwards. Let the sun shine on all your positive traits and what you have to offer the world (this isn’t about purpose – it is about how we impact others by just being us).

Use your voice to speak these things out-loud to yourself. Add a little Mirror magic into this. Stand in front of the mirror. Do not focus on your “faults” but instead just look yourself in the eyes. Focus on all the positive aspects you love about yourself. You can even include the things you want to embody within yourself. Speak them out loud, with strength, passion, and the power of fiery emotion behind them. As you speak them – know them, embrace them into yourself. Each day allow your gaze to take in more of yourself – seeing these things within you moving outward to the surface, a place for all to see.

My Current Money Bowl

Money Magic

Venus is also very connected to money and wealth. If you are a person who is making a living, or wants to make their living, through Voice – such as a teacher, public speaker, musician, storyteller, writer, just to name a few – this is a good time to boost or harness your influence in these areas.

Voice is about words and vibration in all its forms. To influence and shift the perspectives and minds of people through these things, to increase your own personal wealth (physical and spiritual).

This is a great time to freshen up or to start a new living money spell. One that will continually work on bringing in the resources and money you need to keep moving forward on your path and passions. There are many ways to put these together and use what you have on hand. This is a great Video  to help give you some ideas and inspirations.

Given the time of year, the full energies surrounding this month, and the season we are transitioning to – may I suggest adding some pumpkin spice to the mix. It contains some great herbs for attracting and boosting the draw of money to you. Use your own intuition though and design something that works for you and represents those things for you.

You can also create a sigil encompassing the exact mode you want the money to come through and the actions you are willing to do in order to make that happen. You can also just write it all out onto a piece of paper and sign it. Then burn it and allow it to flow out into this vortex of energy.

If you are a crystal or charm person – perhaps take one that is for drawing money to you and use this week to charge it up. Use Sun energy though since we are talking physical world, physical money, and it is the sun boosting all of this energy.

Home Magic

Is there discourse in the home due to miscommunication – assumption instead of clarity – or different perspectives clashing? Harness the communication aspects of this energy. Speaking from a place of authenticity (Venus) and your perspective (Mars). Do not use the aggressive, domineering side of Mars, but instead focus on its action side – actions and body language can say things that our words miss. Showing through actions as well as telling through words.

Allow Venus to help you express yourself, the deep parts of your feelings, in a gentle and expressive way. Let the love wash over the anger, cleansing it, so you can speak from a place of you, instead of accusing the other. If you did not care, if there wasn’t love there – you wouldn’t be hurt or angry in the first place.

Perhaps you just want to expand upon the love and joy already existing in the home. To indulge and enhance it. Let the alignment of Venus and the Sun fuel that. Bring it out in action and words. Use the sense, such as scents that draw you to those emotions, music that reflects them, or a little redecorating to bring in those visual elements.

Do You

No matter how you choose to harness this particular energy – what you want to bring in, change, or enhance – this week could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Think about what it is you really need or desire. Look at all the energies at play and how you can use them in order to achieve this.

Think about what you have on-hand and how you can use it in your work.

Think about how you view each of these energies – Venus, Mars, Mercury, Leo, and the Sun boosting all of it. Also consider the place we are in, the liminal space between seasons – moving from summer to fall. A transformation already in play – from growing to reflecting.

Get creative and move in your own ways!

About Esa
Author, Medium, Seeker, Guide You are building your own path, your own connections, and shaping your own destiny. We can inspire others through sharing - we can Guide through our own experiences - but each of us must walk our own path. You can read more about the author here.
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