New Phoenix Moon Cycle Workbook!

New Phoenix Moon Cycle Workbook! December 11, 2024

In my studies of Nature’s Time – the cycles, energies, and flow of nature – I noticed a very distinct macro cycle of the Moon called the Phoenix Moon. It is a cumulative cycle of 3 years, or 36 Moons and one Phoenix Moon which represents the ending and a new beginning.

I have been working in this cycle, starting on an unconscious level, to a purposeful one for a long time. This year marked the 3rd year of this cycle and on Dec 30th we will enter the Phoenix Moon once again – the end of this season of growth and the beginning of the next.

moon workbook cover
Cover for the Moon workbook

The Moon’s Energy and Cycle

The Moon holds the energy and rhythm of the inner journey. It is aligned with the Soul’s journey, memories, emotions, self foundations and inner healing. It rules over our internal world.

It is faster paced than the Sun, because we are not dealing with others that complicate work with their choices and movements. Instead, with the Moon we are only focused on the Self. Yes, those transformations and healing do change and alter our outer world, but it is done through the changes in how we are perceiving and moving in it, not through directly changing the physical (transmutation) itself.

In the micro cycle of the Moon, we experience it in a monthly, or 28 day average of the Moon cycle. Through each individual Moon we have the opportunity to use those energies to explore, develop, or heal parts of ourselves. Focus by focus, bit by bit, we are growth, moving, and expanding. Over the course of the year we go through many small transformations, culminating together to create large change within us and for us.

What is the Phoenix Moon Cycle?

Over the course of the 3 year Phoenix Moon Cycle, all of these smaller changes and larger transformations are realized in their entirety. In the end it is not just turning a new chapter in our book, it is the ending of one and the start of a whole new book in our life – for we are not just one but a series.

This year’s Phoenix Moon begins on Dec 30th and ends on Jan 17th. Both a time of ending one part of our life and being reborn into the next. It is a time of celebration for the work we have done and the person we have grown into from it. It is also a time of dreaming, the hope and possibilities of what is to come next, our next adventure.

The Workbook

I developed a workbook that will help you walk through, and connect to, this 3 year cycle. Month by Month, Year by year, connecting and walking with the energy of the Moon.

It contains Moon calendars, not aligned with the Gregorian calendar  we are all accustomed to, but the real time movement of the Moon, its months, as it moves through the ecliptic. It does not use the standard zodiac for the constellations, but instead uses the Master Pattern of creation – Nature’s rhythm and blueprint for creation, growth, and change. Each Moon has a name that denotes its focus and energy for that part of the cycle.

It combines the art of divination, using Tarot and Oracle cards to give you a path, energies to focus on, questions to dive deeper into, and actions to embrace. Allowing our Guides and inner knowing to come to the forefront, revealing our personal path forward.

It has exercises for us to align our spell and ritual work with our path and the energies at play with it, at any given time. Not using the correlations, systems, and work of others, but to develop our own for us.

There are times of reflection. To slow us down, to look back, to see how far we have come and recognize that work. Too often people do not keep written records of their journey, and because we are slowly growing, healing, and transforming day by day, it is easy to not see that within ourselves. It is the problem with slow deep transformation – because we are living it, it is becoming our new normal, we forget what it was like before that. Sure we can see the big things, but not so much the small. One reason why doing this work in a large journal like this, everything is right there and makes reflecting back so much easier.

some sample workbook sheets
Some sample sheets from the workbook

Your Journey

As always with my work and Crane Practice, this is constructed to allow you to take the personal journey, focused on your own path and in your own way. I feel it is so important for us to be forging our own practices, because we are all different – different history, backgrounds, cultures, traditions, beliefs, magical practices, and so forth. Our work should reflect that.

It is why I love creating workbooks and teach the way I do. It gives you some structure, frameworks, and ideas to get started with, but where that goes, how you use it, and what you build with it, are all about you.

This work, and my others, are done in way that you can adapt them to any tradition, any foundations you have already built, any magical practices you have already developed and honed – or if you are brand new and just looking for a place to start and some direction to help you get started.

Remember, this life is about your journey, your growth, and the path you are forging in it – so make it personal.

If you want to learn more or get your copy of Walking in the Moon’s Light workbook to start your own journey with the Phoenix Moon Cycle – go HERE

There is also a year long Walking in the Sun’s Light, if your focus is more on your outer physical life and connecting to physical nature.

If you want to learn more about Nature’s Time, the Master Pattern, how to craft your own spells/ rituals, and explore some new tools – check out the book Grimoire of the Crane. It has all of this and more – for those just starting out or those wanting to explore something new.

sun shinning through the trees like a doorway
Doorway of Thoughts
About Esa
Esa is a Crane Practitioner, High Priestess in the Temple of the Crane, Mother of White in the Sisters of the Well, as well as a CCRN specializing in neurology, cardiology, and Death Doula work. Through her writing, published works, courses, and community connections she sets the stage for personal transformation and personal path development through effective frameworks, skills, and being a Guide for others. Her personal work and tradition is rooted in the pattern of Death and Rebirth, personal transformation, soul healing, and Death Emissary work. If you want to learn more, check out her website and work! You can read more about the author here.
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