September 4, 2023

Thumper Forge, at the Fivefold Law wrote an article recently, talking about an anthology book that was recently released and the issues that arose from its publishing. It is a really good article that I recommend reading, and they bring up some good points. There was one part that stuck out to me though: “But this also made me understand that the people who put out the Witchtoker’s Grimoire approached publishing the same way they approach witchcraft: It’s something you can... Read more

August 31, 2023

It started with a dream, which required a conversation, and the result was a tool and ritual. So instead of making a big intro, let’s just jump into it. The Dream My family and I were entertaining a couple of guests and there was a black snake just wandering around the house. It was fairly large and in a phase of shedding – only its head had shed and the rest of the body was still covered with its old... Read more

August 29, 2023

Although in my practices, the rise of Ancestors has already begun, the collective generally starts feeling that pull around September/ October. So I thought this was a good time to talk about four different kinds of Ancestors and ways to connect to them. Territorial Ancestors Territorial Ancestors are ones who are connected to the land you currently inhabit. Many would consider these as just the humans that inhabited the land before us, but I feel it also includes the other... Read more

August 27, 2023

The Mala is a string of 108 beads or knots and has been used for thousands of years in the Hindu traditions. They are likely one of the inspirations for the use of stringed beads in other religions/ traditions as prayer and meditation tools. I have been using the inspiration of the mala for a long time for trance work, spirit walking, and magical practice. I have found it to be extremely effective, especially when guiding others who have a... Read more

August 23, 2023

Although it doesn’t feel like fall right now with the oppressive heat, I have been “feeling” fall for several weeks now. There are even signs in the turning of our leaves already – not many but some. For me, the beginning of fall is a time of reflection. To look back at the work I have been doing this year. The changes, growth, missteps, and accomplishments. With this theme in mind, I wanted to share a divination spread that has... Read more

August 21, 2023

There has been a question lingering for some time now in our community. One that has been asked by many, in many different groups, and even by other writers here… Can Paganism have some type of centralized organization? Ground that we can all stand on together, be recognized, and advocate for the religious aspects of Paganism on the larger stage of world gatherings / politics as other religious groups do. I can see reasons to advocate and work towards this... Read more

August 20, 2023

It started with a story. In the quest to to verify the story, a trail of breadcrumbs started to appear leading me deeper into a familiar rabbit hole but with new occupants. Our Guides, including our Ancestors, can work often in this way. Starting with a story – a sign – a vision, that drives us to dig deeper, to scour through various resources, to go within our mind and sift through all that we find, and reflect with an... Read more

August 15, 2023

Death Nesting – The Heart Centered Practices of a Death Doula by Anne-Marie Keppel is a brand new book that has just released. There is a lot to love within its pages no matter what aspect you are coming at this from – a Death Doula, caregiver, loved one, the person dying, or even just a person who wants to learn to live deeper. It would also be a great book for anyone who may still be experiencing a loss... Read more

August 14, 2023

There is a belief that part of our soul is made up of ancestors that came before us. Certain ones bound to us through memory deep in our blood, hidden within our DNA. Although the understanding and concept of memory in our DNA from a scientific standpoint is fairly new considering human existence, this belief itself is very ancient. Every culture has their own practices and rituals associated with venerating the dead. Each had their own associated symbolisms, vision of... Read more

August 10, 2023

This wasn’t the post I planned, but perhaps it is the one that is more needed. I posted the meme below today and got two completely different reactions. The main one was many being grateful towards it, the second was a person triggered by it. I would like to address both. Behind the Meme I know a couple of people who have been really struggling lately – not from tower moments but from the perspective of their practices because of... Read more

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