November 5, 2023

I watched an interesting conversation between a couple of friends on one of my recent social media posts. It all started with a meme and ended in a discussion on covens. The meme itself, I feel, was speaking to the freedom and personal journey of witchcraft, and the spirituality one may hold with it. The ability to craft our path and beliefs based upon our own experiences. Not having to conform to another’s, or a set of dogmatic rules that... Read more

November 2, 2023

It is only Nov 2nd and I am already starting to see the shift away from the world of spirit, of shadows, and the things that lurk in shadows. It’s not uncommon in our societal culture that I live within, to see this shift right after Halloween is done. October seems to be the center of it, and then November starts more festive, feasting type of energy. My people have a long history in the Ozarks, Appalachians, and the foot... Read more

October 30, 2023

Whether or not someone believes in astrology or not, I find it interesting that most will seem to know what their Sun Sign is. In the West, there is a heavy emphasis on the Sun sign, and many consider it the “primary” or most important one. Considering the cultural structures and influences in western culture, it kind of make sense why this one has taken center stage. Why the Sun Sign The Sun sign is calculated by the positioning of... Read more

October 25, 2023

It has been an interesting conversation and debate – What is the difference between magic and witchcraft? The deeper it went, the more some perspectives started to take shape for me. It started touching on the long standing debate on who would be considered a “witch.” An example of the debate goes something like this: Everyone makes a wish and blows out birthday candles, thus doing a form of magic, but does that make them a witch? By definition, Magic... Read more

October 23, 2023

This is a concept that seems common place for me, yet when I talk to others about it I realize it is not. There are many ways to use tarot, but I use it mostly for conversation with Spirits, Ancestors, Divine, and even my own soul. I find it to be an incredible powerful and useful tool to have a full back and forth conversation with. When I tell people this, even those who have been reading for years and... Read more

October 18, 2023

I planned a special ritual for the eclipse this past Saturday. A transformation, a bond, and a commitment. I carefully thought out each element and spent the week preparing for it. A culmination of decades of work… I had one idea – She showed another. The start of the ritual went just as I had planned. I set each element, I spoke the words, I lit the candles, and then the Mother of Death took over. It wasn’t about bonding,... Read more

October 15, 2023

“I have lived a thousand lives. Each one building upon the last. Blending and adding experiences and skills to the whole, passing it to the next incarnation. Unconsciously tapped, I seamlessly allow my knowledge to pass as something you naturally possess. Consciously tapped, I illuminate the secret knowledge that has danced on the fringes of your mind, unleashing your full power and potential. I am the Ancestral Soul.” The concept of the Ancestral Soul is is older than any religion.... Read more

October 9, 2023

Eclipse magic can be some of the most empowered energy for deep transformative magic. We are also in an interesting phase where this month (Oct 14th ) we will experience the ring of fire, and then six months later a total solar eclipse on April 8th. Giving way to an interesting vortex of energy – Beginning with the fire in us and ending in a place of complete balance and harmony between the light and the dark. Eclipse Magic It... Read more

October 6, 2023

So about this time each year I start my 2024 Outlook Tarot Readings. They are a way to take a glimpse into the coming year, both as a whole, and broke down into months. It includes two main Path readings, one for your physical life/ self and one for your spiritual/ inner self. I separate them because I have found clients can have difficulty in determining what aspects apply to their physical life such as finances, home, work, and so... Read more

October 4, 2023

At some point in the day we jump onto our social media feed. For some it may be just one specific platform, for others they will scroll through several. We flip through to see what our friends and family are doing. We see what the people we follow are up to and check in on different groups. Then depending on our mood and what is going on, we contribute to our own feed – our own sharing. Perhaps it is... Read more

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