We’re getting ready for the LIVE broadcast – TONIGHT!
Peace Begins in the Family
Mark your calendar, set your reminder, and meet us back here.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
5:00pm US Pacific time / 8:00pm US Eastern time
Copy the link to this web page into your calendar so you can return here:
The event will be streamed live to this page.
When it’s time, the discussion will appear in the video window above.
You can post your questions in the comment section below.
See you then!
Thank you for helping to spread the message of peace.
As human beings created by God, we are all one family, brothers and sisters. Our Sufi teacher and guide said in almost every teaching, “Make no separation between any – not religion, not race, not male or female – we are all the same. There is only one.”
We are all reflections of God’s light, an expression of unconditional love, a manifestation of divine beauty.
It’s easy to see this when we’re in a loving space with those who clearly reflect love and beauty. But what about the boss who isn’t giving you the credit you deserve on that last project? Or the spouse who refuses to understand your point of view? Or the rapist who just violated another victim? Or the gunman who just shot up a church or a bar?
It’s not so easy to look at those who perpetrate acts of conflict and violence in our lives and our communities and see God’s light. It’s not so easy to see how this person is the same as me.
Yet, these are the stories that fill our lives and our news channels. Are you able to watch the news and keep an open, loving heart? To start and end our days with the news is like book-ending our waking hours with horror movies, except the stories are real! Personally, I think it’s easier to watch an Alfred Hitchcock movie than the evening news.
So, how do we make the concept of sameness and Oneness real in our everyday lives? How do we learn to accept and love those who trigger us, those who are different?
You are invited to join us for a live teleclass with Nura Laird, M.Ed., to discuss these topics. Nura is a faculty member at The University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism, and chair of the Department of Peacemaking. Nura has been a student of healing and Sufism since 1977. She has extensive training and experience in community and family mediation and in teaching and counseling children and adults.
Nura works professionally as a spiritual counselor, teacher and seminar leader internationally. She is especially inspired to help restore the real love and peace to families, and to guide her clients and students to bring more love and peace into our world.
In this teleclass, Nura will be teaching about how Islam addresses the reality and challenges of pluralism in today’s world. She’ll be giving us tips on how we can be in the world and see the face of God in everyone, and how we can foster the teachings of peace beginning in our own families.
Please set a reminder in your calendar with a link to this blog post, and join us back here on Wednesday, August 2, 2016, at 5:00pm US Pacific time. Then please take a moment to share this on your social media feeds, and please share with your friends and family.
We desperately need these teachings of peace in the world today. There is enough divisive rhetoric in the airwaves. Please join us for an honest discussion and a message of hope and peace.
Peace Begins in the Family
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
5:00pm US Pacific time / 8:00pm US Eastern time
Mark your calendar and set your reminder.
Copy the link to this web page so you can return here:
The event will be streamed live to this page.
When it’s time, you’ll see a video window at the top of the page.
You will be able to ask questions using the comment section below.
See you there!
Thank you for helping to spread the message of peace.
Photo credit: © Landd09 | Dreamstime.com - Family jumping in sea sunset