We are hosting another LIVE Panel Discussion – right here on this page!
Do you ever struggle with the question of when to accept what is happening in your life and in the crazy world we’re living in and when to step up and do something?
The Serenity Prayer says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” I think most of us want to have acceptance for God’s will, and we want to be used as agents for change and justice to bring peace to the world.
Yet, it’s hard to know which is called for. It’s hard to sit by and watch what is happening in the world and not feel pain, compassion, or to feel compelled to do something — but what? And how?
Can you really make a difference? Or should you just accept what is happening as God’s plan, one that we cannot do anything about?
These are the questions our panel will be discussing in the upcoming LIVESTREAM event. Our panelists are all graduates of The University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism who are actively working in the fields of law, social justice, mediation, spiritual counseling and family healing.
Please join us LIVE and bring your questions for them.
Join us here on this page on
Wednesday, July 13th, 2016
5-6:30pm US Pacific time / 8-9:30pm US Eastern time
To Accept or to Change:
The Wisdom to Know the Difference
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Meet the Panelists
R. Kamela Laird, Attorney, is the founder of Integrate Legacy Law. She is committed to guiding clients to identify their life purpose and then integrate that legacy into their lives in a way that makes a lasting difference. Kamela is an experienced communication and relationship coach, mediator, and spiritual counselor, who integrates these skills with her legal training to provide a holistic approach to estate planning. She has a special knack for supporting clients through conversations with family members regarding end of life, incapacity, and guardianship.
In addition to her passion for a heart-centered approach to law, Kamela is equally passionate about a transformative approach to mediation. She believes that just about any conflict can be mediated with willing participants and a mutual commitment to create a win-win solution. She teaches her clients that all disputes can be resolved when there is creativity, communication, love and support. Kamela has been doing mediation since elementary school when she was trained as a peer mediator!Click here to visit R. Kamela Laird’s website.
Roy N. Martin, Attorney at Law. Hassan Roy Martin met our spiritual guide, who we call Sidi, and became his student in 2006. Roy is a peacemaking attorney and mediator who resides in Bellingham, Washington with his wife, Latifa, and their son, Ahmed.
Raised in a Jewish family, Roy came to Sufism by way of many years of spiritual seeking on many paths. When he met Sidi, he knew he had finally found his way home. Being Sidi’s student was both an enormous blessing and a challenge because Sidi was not afraid to show his students whatever he was guided to show them. This is a path of annihilation. It requires a willingness to surrender ego (again and again). But as we do so, we discover on the other side of our resistance tremendous harmony and freedom.
Those parts of ourselves that we had thought integral to who we are, and perhaps cherished and held dear, we finally discover to have been in our way. As these shards of false self fall away, we come to a place of progressively deeper rest in our real truth — which is in perfect alignment with the qualities of love and unity. It is a journey that goes on and on as we discover (in small slices) our true home, our deep love and yearning for the great Oneness that stands behind all that manifests in this world and beyond. Click here to visit Hassan Roy Martin’s website.
Amina Melody Pryor, M.Div., is a Sufi Spiritual Healer, Family Mediator and Relationship Coach, and the founder of Sacred Art of Family.™ Her credentials include over 35 years of real-life experience, ‘in the trenches’ with a long-term marriage, three adult children, their life partners and extended family. Transforming conflict and fear into abundantly loving relationships in her own family has been a deeply rewarding path of spiritual growth. It fuels her passion to help other families learn how to create a deep, abiding peace in their own hearts and homes and experience the joy of family beyond their dreams.
At the Sacred Art of Family™, Amina Melody works with women and their families to bring healing and resolution to issues that are currently causing distress in their relationships. She helps her clients learn to access their own wisdom, guidance and ability to choose love, even in moments of stress and turmoil.
As a result, families learn how to let go of the past, find forgiveness for mistakes, and move into the future with love and the skill to create and maintain beautiful, joyful relationships. Enjoy the peace, love and support that allows everyone to flourish. Transform fighting and discord into the joy of love beyond what you ever imagined possible! Click here to visit Amina Melody Pryor’s website.
Remember to mark your calendar and set your reminder.
We’ll see you back HERE on this page –
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
5-6:30pm US Pacific time / 8-9:30pm US Eastern time
Blessings and Peace,
Mastura & Friends
from The University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism
If you’d like to experience a heart-centered practice to help you access and experience the Divine Love within, click here to access a 7-day eCourse, Sufi Spiritual Renewal & Healing,
plus a few other options.
Thanks a bunch!
Mastura Debra Graugnard