LIVESTREAM: Living a Life of Divine Guidance

LIVESTREAM: Living a Life of Divine Guidance October 7, 2016

Living a Life of Divine Guidance

Please enjoy the replay

Wednesday, October 12, 2016
5:00pm US Pacific / 8:00pm US Eastern




You’re welcome to submit questions in the comment section below.


You’re invited to join us for any or all of the webinars in this series.
CLICK HERE to catch up on previous webinars and learn more about the program.


Thank you!


Before I met my spiritual teacher, Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal, head of the Higher Sufi Council in Jerusalem and Imam of al-Aqsa Mosque, I had been feeling a deep longing in my heart.

I had experienced a powerful spiritual awakening, my heart had filled with a love that was so strong, it was all that mattered in my life. I was in love with Love – with God – and all I wanted was to give my life for this love of Love.

However, I kept finding myself in circumstances where I was falling into old patterns. I had been so indoctrinated in a way of life that I didn’t know how else to live. I didn’t know how to be with friends or family. I didn’t know how to be in relationships. I didn’t know how to be with money or food or alcohol.

It was as if I was watching myself from outside. I had a clear view of my actions, and they didn’t make any sense. They were so rote, there was no thought in them. But I was awakening to a different perspective, and I knew I had to change my ways.

But how? Thank goodness I met my spiritual teacher. He was an answer to a prayer, and his teachings have helped me to completely transform my life to be a life of service and following divine guidance.

That’s why I got very excited when Dr. John Wadude Laird, MD, said he wanted to speak about trading in the life of self guidance for a life of divine guidance.

Can you relate?

sunlight thru olive trees

You are invited to join us for this webinar, the 6th of our Fall 2016 Journey Home Series.


John-Laird150x200This webinar will be presented by Dr. John Wadude Laird, M.D., faculty at The University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism.

Dr. John Wadude Laird is the past President of the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism and a faculty member. He received his medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School in 1976 and has more than twenty years of experience in direct patient care. Dr. Laird was responsible for the passage of landmark legislation in North Carolina in 1994, legalizing the practice of alternative medical therapies.

Through his activities as an administrator and healer, Dr. Laird radiates the love of God to everyone he encounters. His passion and strength inspire students to trust God fully and to give their lives in service to all who need healing and love.

You’re invited to join us – Dr. John Wadude Laird, MD, and Mastura – right here on this very page.



To join us, return to this page on
Wednesday, October 12, 2016,
5:00pm US Pacific / 8:00pm US Eastern,



The replay will be available as soon as the live broadcast ends.



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Photo credits:
© Anna  Omelchenko | - Olive trees garden in autumn


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