LIVESTREAM: Now What? A Post-Election Debrief for Seekers

LIVESTREAM: Now What? A Post-Election Debrief for Seekers November 2, 2016

Woman and mirrors


The US 2016 Presidential Election has brought forth many challenges, internal struggles and external division among our population. What do we need to learn from this experience? How can we recognize the Divine Love and Wisdom? What is God asking of us as seekers and lovers of peace and truth?

The world is moving and changing rapidly. We are on the brink of great change. We can step in and respond, without being put off or blinded by the fear and chaos.

Please join Dr. John Abd al-Qadr Davies for an exploration into these topics Post-Election, as we explore:

  • What this experience shows us about our own strengths and weaknesses.
  • How we can use this experience to increase hope and discover where we need to change.
  • How we can hold the light in conflict and breakdown.
  • How we can step into responsibility and not lose hope in the government.

You are invited to join us for this webinar, the 8th and final session of our Fall 2016 Journey Home Series.


Event begins in

Please enjoy the replay!


Now What? A Post-Election Debrief for Seekers

You’re invited to join us here LIVE on

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
5:00pm US Pacific / 8:00pm US Eastern


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You’re invited to join us for any or all of the webinars in this series.
CLICK HERE to catch up on previous webinars and learn more about the program.


See you soon!



john-davies-photoThis webinar will be presented by Dr. John Abd Al Qadr Davies, LL.B., M.Litt., M.S., Ph.D., and faculty at The University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism Department of Spiritual Peacemaking.

Dr. Davies is also Co-Director of the Partners in Conflict and Partners in Peacebuilding Projects at the Center for International Development and Conflict Management at the University of Maryland.

After practicing law and psychology and teaching meditation in Australia, he moved to the US in 1982. He has led or partnered in conflict transformation and peace building initiatives in over 25 countries. He has trained thousands of professionals in conflict transformation, prevention and multi-track diplomacy, including political leaders and diplomats, UN peacekeepers, police, educators, religious, traditional and civil society leaders.

Dr. Davies has conducted extensive research on the impact of spiritual and secular techniques in promoting peace, which has been published widely. He served as consultant to various US departments and international governments and organizations.

He has dedicated his life to empowering people, organizations and communities in all cultural and spiritual traditions to create sustainable peace, wholeness and personal growth.

You’re invited to join us – Dr. John Abd al-Qadr Davies and Mastura – right here on this very page.



To join us, return to this page on
Wednesday, November 9, 2016,
5:00pm US Pacific / 8:00pm US Eastern,



The replay will be available as soon as the live broadcast ends.



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Photo credits:
Adobe Stock Photo © George Mayer #90565025


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