“Up From Slavery” -Book Review

“Up From Slavery” -Book Review December 21, 2008

images1 One of the best decisions I made this semester was to read this book, though it wasn’t a required reading I found myself more & more intrigued by Booker T. Washington.

It’s a quick read taking me only three short sessions and it is a fabulous book.  I love his perspectives, his courage, his wisdom, his passion and his personal view of the transition period between when slavery ended until the early 1900’s.

What I love best about this book is that he never communicates feeling sorry for himself and only his responsibility to help other blacks succeed in a time when everything was against us.  I also loved learning about how Tuskeegee University got started at his leadership.  He was an amazing man.

If you are an American, you should read this book.  This is one of our Nation’s greatest men, which all of us no matter your race and ethnic background should learn from.

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