Progress Report

Progress Report January 14, 2010

Several progress reports…

Progress on Responding to Haiti:

Being someone who strongly empathizes with the suffering of others I have to monitor what I take in.  If I get too emotionally invested in horrible human atrocities it takes me out of the ball game. (Especially those in which I am completely powerless).  In some ways I’ve watched quietly at Haiti’s peril with a brief prayer here and there, in other ways I’m ashamed to say  I’ve tried to look away, afraid to take it all in.

Also, I’ve wanted to blog about the devastation in Haiti but I’ve been hesitant to do so, since we have yet to make a decision yet about what our response will be as family.

(If Dave & I give money to something beyond our regular giving we like to invite Ransom into that process so things of this nature will become to a “normal” thing he grew up doing.  I.E. ‘When a disaster hits, we give money and pray for them, don’t you?’  Not in a judgmental look-down-on-others type of way, but in a creating-culture-in-our-family type of way).

After we do some research, talk with Ran and figure out what we’ll be doing to join relief efforts, I’ll let you know.  And as usual, I’ll invite you to join me.

Progress on Rhys:

He’s making good -but slow- progress in our road to night weaning.  The last two nights I managed to wittle him down to a mere three feedings at 1am, 4am & 7am, but I’m still struggling to get us both up at 7am with a smile on our face.   By 7am, I am wore down and he nurses while we both sleep until 9:30am.  This must end!

He’s still dependent on me or a pacifier to put himself back to sleep so I’m still waking up multiple times in the night when he thinks he’s hungry.  This little man is giving me a run for my money though.  He’ll go 4, sometimes 5 hours in between feedings during the day and then at night he’ll act as if he is starving -literally starving- after 2.5 hrs.

I know what must be done.  The Babywise sleep system is what must be done.  I need to grow some cahonies is what I need to do.

The question is: will I be able to respond with strength and fortitude and wisdom in the middle of the night when I’m exhausted after being woken up for the umpteenth time?  I need resolve, people.


The day of reckoning is coming soon –the day when I need to begin taking overnight trips and I can’t leave a hungry, crying baby with my husband.  It spells disaster with a capital D!

Progress on My New 20/20 Life:

On Tuesday when I had a full day to work I kept thinking about how great it was to be back to work.  It was so nice to have a meeting with my supervisor, dressed in my casual business attire, sipping a Latte at Panera.

But, on Wednesday when I had a full day with the kids I found myself thinking about how wonderful they are and how I’d love to spend the chunk of my energy and focus raising them.  I looked into their big, brown doe eyes and thought, ‘yep, the Mama job is the one I like best.  Ugghg. Tomorrow is a work day.’

And then today, as Dave & I worked side by side at Panera -our house and office is far too messy to attempt a productive work session- I began getting real tasks done, getting completion on loose ends, getting in touch with folks, planning my upcoming trips… and well, you know what happened all ready, doncha?

I was thrilled.

Invigorated! Energized! Excited!

My semester is ripe with possibility for fruit in all sorts of ways!  This, I thought, is exactly the type of work I should be doing –I am called to this — I love my job!  Stay-at-home, schmay-at-home.

The great news: I’m not at one wishing I was doing the other.  So far, I’ve felt ALIVE, engaged, present and at peace in both.  I do believe -though my emotions may sway and swivel- that this 20/20 arrangement is the way God wants it to be for my and our family.

Next month, is when I go into a heavy travel season and that’s when the rubber will hit the road.  Perhaps, I’ll do another “progress report” after the stress of balancing it all amidst travel begins.

The Sleep Report:

Not getting enough of it.  Therefore, I’m off to catch some zzzzzz’s.


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