Woncha Take A Risk?

Woncha Take A Risk? August 12, 2014

A few days ago, I took my boys to our favorite haven on Lake Michigan.  Last summer, the three of us made the 45 minute trek to Lake Michigan just about every Saturday. But this year, I’ve had an indoor/outdoor apartment pool which has significantly slowed our beach going ways.

It hit me last week, that there’s only 3ish weeks left of summer – WHAT THE FLIP?!

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So. Of course. I took them twice in two days.

Usually the boys spend a lot of time building sand castles & doing that whole thing where they just sort of roll around in the sand while I read a good beach book.  This time though, they were in the water for the majority of the day, riding their little boogie boards on the incoming waves so I had to keep my eyes GLUED on them.

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I didn’t get to read much which was fine.  I threw on my headphones, popped open a bag of Sunflower Seeds & watched.  The wind was kicking up so hard that -even though it was 81 that day- I felt cold.  I kept wondering to myself how the boys could possibly be enjoying themselves…the water must have been freezing.

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Ransom kept asking me to get in. I’d wade in a little bit, the wave would splash & then I’d hop out again.  I played with them towards the shallow end avoiding my precious hair getting preciously soiled in the mean, nasty out-to-get-my-fro Lake.

After about 5 hrs. finally, the boys contented themselves digging sand holes and I was able to read exactly 5 pages of the 3 book’s I’d brought to pretend to read throughout the day.  Just as I was ready to pack up for home, Ran launched into a beg-plead-whimper fest about my getting in the water with them for 20 more minutes.

But it’s cold, son, it’s too doggone cold.

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But I’m cold all ready, little Buddy!

But I don’t want to get wet just before getting in the car.

But I all ready have my cover up on.

But it’s getting late, we should get going.

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Ransom was all, “aint nobody got time fa dat.”

Look Mama, he said, sometimes woncha take a risk?!

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BAM. He got me.

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I got in. As it turned out, the water temperature had gotten warmer than the air outside and….it felt good.  Actually good.

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Of course, my son said, “Seeeeeee, Mama!?!”

We waited for the bigger waves and dove in to them.  When they saw a big wave on the horizon they’d crash into me for “support.”  If a wave went over Rhysie’s head -which many did- they’d fall over into endless cackles.  My hair got wet, even *gasp* sandy. So what.

We laughed & loved in the best ways and I could have missed it…would have missed it if I hadn’t listened to Ransom’s gentle plea…

“Woncha take a risk, Mama?”

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Woncha take a risk?

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Won’t you take a risk?

photo 3

 Won’t YOU take a risk?

I’m just sayin’.

From the mouths of babes, y’all.


This has been a Mama Moment Mondays post.

(Yes, an hour AFTER Monday)

Don’t hate.



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