Riddle me this: What you do you regret not doing last year?

Riddle me this: What you do you regret not doing last year? January 4, 2011

If you haven’t yet commented on my post in which I want every blog reader or random visitor or lurker/blurker to introduce yourself through a comment to the GWG community: then do it!

Why?  Because I’m pledging to  post once a day in  2011 & I want to interact more with my readers and I want you to interact more with one another.

Why?  Because were a community doggone it!  And because I want to know you!  (And I have a surprise for one lucky reader/lurker/blurker who has never commented before)!

And while your at it, go ahead & subscribe to my RSS feed, so you never miss a post!

Anyhey, before I had children  —oh, the distant memories of actual free time— I used to spend a day or two (*gasp*) of each New Year reflecting on the previous year: mistakes, lessons learned, ways I was proud of myself, etc.  After that I’d set new goals and things to work towards for the New Year.

Now that I have two BUSY BEAVER children I barely finished a single journal entry about 2010 before falling asleep in a big pile of drool.  I did manage to get a blog post done about what I hope for 2011 but that’s about it.

As Socrates once said, “An unexamined life isn’t worth living.”  So, let’s let the examining begin!

I want to invite you to reflect with me for these next 5-7 posts.  I’ll walk you through some good reflection questions…and I want you to actually comment about your life.

Today’s question: What do you regret not having done last year?

I like this question a lot, because often the things I  regret not doing are things that are the most valuable to me and the hardest to do.

For example, I never got off my tush to establish a regular work-out routine in 2010 —something very important, yet I failed to incorporate the practice into my life on a regular basis.  Many of my regulars know I struggled with depression most of 2010.  A regular work-out is one of the proven ‘cures’ to keep depression at bay.  I knew this, but sadly chose not to.

I regret that.

Another example…

I never took the time to finish establishing the Getting Things Done, organizational system.  If you’ve been around for awhile you know I got off to a valiant start…but then fizzled out.  I’m regretful of this, in particular because I know –as many ‘Getting Things Done’ evangelists testify- that my quality of life would be significantly increased if I had a trusted system for storing to-do lists, and my endless dreams of someday/maybe’s making me increasingly productive! =)

In short, I regret not reflecting more often, I regret not getting off my tush more often and overall, allowing the dysfunction of unorganization to paralyze my commitments to healthy finances, healthy boundaries and healthy living.

So, what about you?  What do you regret not having done in 2010?

Reflect away,

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