For You, Netizen

For You, Netizen December 7, 2012

netizen |ˈnetəzən|


a user of the Internet, esp. a habitual or avid one.


Are You Focusing On The Obstacle Or The Opportunity? by Michael Hyatt

Perhaps if it had been us, we would have spent more time focusing on the problem—analyzing Goliath, digging deeper into the problem, and trying to understand the various options before us. Not David.

Balancing Act at Kristin Tennant’s Halfway to Normal blog.

maybe balance is really all about the work of it—the back and forth, the compensating and experimenting, the failing and getting up the next day to tweak it all some more. In other words, it isn’t about arrival and mastery, but the process, in much the same way that life isn’t about the destination but the journey…

We’re Living the Dream; We Just Don’t Realize It from Steven Johnson on CNN

Many Americans, for instance, are convinced that “half of all marriages end in divorce,” though that hasn’t been the case since the early 1980s, when divorce rates peaked at just over 50%. Since then, they have declined by almost a third.


Fave Comment of the Week:

Kristin’s comment from the post Less was More on our decidedly low key Thanksgiving.


The Pinterest pin that Cracked Me Up:

“Now you can wear the world’s ugliest shoes, all at once!”


(Confession: I happen to love both UGGS & Crocs, so there).


Fave Family Pic:


p.s. Coming soon: I’ll be giving away another bundle of books AND a free 8 x 8 Shutterfly photo book.  Stay tuned, peeps!

Any awesome posts you’ve come across this week fellow citizens of the web?

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