For You, Netizen

For You, Netizen March 17, 2013

netizen |ˈnetəzən|


a user of the Internet, esp. a habitual or avid one.


 ~ Some helpful things to consider as as you pursue your God sized dream.

 ~ Father of Three, One Living

~ What happens when when a white women’s daughter buys a black American Girl doll.

~ We have so far to go: The Good, Racist People

~ For all my fellow Evernote lovers + bloggers: How to Use Evernote as a Blogger

~ How shop ethically when your unsure of where things are coming from.  With all the child slave labor world wide, it’s worth consideration.

~ Do you have love for the Dove? 10 ways to see the Holy Spirit differently.

~ Gorgeous post on Christians living in the wilderness


Something clicked in me this past week.  I felt like I just had. to. know where all the black, Christian bloggers are.  So.  Like any good Netizen I began making a Twitter list.  I also consulted Deidra Riggs’ post Where IS e’rybody?  (You can find my Twitter list of Black, Christian Bloggers here).

Ta Da…

BCB twitter list

It doesn’t matter where I am or in the country -or the world for that matter- I always want to know where black people are gathering.  It makes me somewhat sad it took me this long to start an earnest look to find my folks online.

Hopefully, you’ll forgive this bold statement but it hit me hard the other day: there A LOT of white, Christian bloggers & sometimes I feel…lost in it.  I realized if I wanted to hear from more black voices I’d have to seek them out, I didn’t realize it would be an ALL OUT SEARCH.  And as you can see, I’m only at 29.

Will you help me out?  If you are, or know of any other black, Christian bloggers (even if they aren’t blogging on faith) please let me know.

I’m going to actively tweet with this list, retweet my new friends & try to showcase some new voices here on GwG.  The list is public, so feel free to follow along.

Shortly after I made this list, I got a nice little affirmation from Kristi Scott

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HA! I love it when something I’ve done leads someone to hash-tag-it-up with #ImBlackAndImProud

(Me too, Kristi)!



walmart cake

 At least WalMart is cheap, eh?



My recent posts for my Patheos blog: Wordy, Nerdy & A Little Bit Dirty….

On how hard it’s been to monitor my boys’ bickering (amidst my own).

On the the emotional challenges I face in wanting to get my home in tip-top shape.

On how risky & bare I felt in talking vulnerably about Feminism online.



my family

My hilarious family.

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