Fave Water Sports?

Fave Water Sports? June 10, 2009

This is probably an exxageration, but I feel like the best summers I can remember are ones where I’ve spent the majority of it in the water.  When you grow up in the frozen tundra Michigan you come to really appreciate that all to brief June-July-August window when you can actually enjoy the water.

For the past couple days Ran & I have been at a retreat on a lake house with some of our friends from InterVarsity.  It made me reflect on how much I love tubing, which I only get to do one day a year if I’m lucky.  It was killing me to watch our friends tube and not be able to!  I think it would give my unborn son a mild heart attack!  But it got me thinking about how much I love water sports.

Snorkeling is pretty awesome.  Especially in beautiful shallow, crystal clear water like my hubby & I soaked up in St. Lucia way back in 2003 while we were there for a destination wedding. (Not ours) 🙂

Snorkeling (without our gear on) :)
Snorkeling (without our gear on) 🙂
Can you see the look of sheer dread on my face?
Can you see the look of sheer dread on my face? (Scuba Diving in St. Lucia)

While we were in St. Lucia we also went scuba diving.  Ay ay ay, for a 1st-timer, it was terrifying.  No doubt, that underwater world is BEAUTIFUL, it’s breath-taking and I entered into a mini praise session of God’s creative genius, but for crying out loud your carrying your air on your back with multiple variables producing death.  And the headache!  I’ve never had a headache like that what you get going 30 ft. under!  It’s something a gal like me does once.  Not twice.  Just once, thank you very much.

Tubing and water ski-ing are the bomb.  Seriously the most fun you can have whilst be dragged by something going very fast.

Mike Skupin (of Survivor -The Outback fame) even taught me how to barefoot water ski.  Well, as you can imagine, with my giant set of toes, that didn’t work so well.  Sort of feels like skating on bricks, but ya know, not the soft kind.

A racously good time
A racously good time

I could swim for 3 hours a day.  Even if it’s a gym just chillin’ with one of your bestfest friends & family.

My Pumkin & I at LifeTime Fitness in Canton
My Pumkin & I at LifeTime Fitness in Canton

Though I screamed bloody murder, I seriously loved doing this water sport last year in Florida… (Truth be told, I was afraid of falling into the ocean and being eaten alive by killer sharks.  I mean, it’s a possiblity.  Forget drowing, I’ll take that any day over death by becoming shark dinner).

parasailing adventures!
parasailing adventures!

While in St. Lucia, Dave’s bro chartered a yaht for the day.  This Detroiter had never been on the ocean.  I was sea-sick like a mother!  So overall, that experience was miserable.  However, Dave laid out on the boat & had a grand ole time.

A beautiful view of the Island
A beautiful view of the Island

I love water parks, water slides, lazy rivers and all that jazz.  The only water sport I truly hate is white water rafting.  This too, felt like to crazy of a way to die.  After I bounced out of the moving raft, of course the boat moved over me trapping me underneath it and next to a rock.  And in my panic, couldn’t figure out which way was up, down, right or left.  As soon as I got the peace of mind to fight for survival I stuck my arm up hoping upon hope eventually someone would rescue me, and thankfully Mr. Pennington pulled me out of my nightmare.  Again, I’m done with that.

Not for the faint of heart (like mwa)

Last but not least, my husband absolutely loves to canoe and kayak, which he tries to do as often as possible.  I have yet to “fall in love” with what my hubby holds most dear, but I have made a valiant effort to go along with him… okay, well, that is on the condidtion I don’t have to paddle. 🙂

A Scrapbooking Page of one of our Canoeing adventures -proof that I do take part in this water "sport"

May you enjoy many long, lazy days of summers doing this…


snuggling up to your fave people
snuggling up to your fave people

and this…

lazy walks on the beach...
lazy walks on the beach...

and this…

at the pool IN our ROOM in St. Lucia (disgustingly spoiled, I know)
at the pool IN our ROOM in St. Lucia (disgustingly spoiled, I know)

Here’s to Summer & the beauty of H2O…

I LOVE water (at InterVaristy's Cedar Campus)
I LOVE water!!!! (at InterVaristy's Cedar Campus)

Now, you tell me: whats your fave water sports???

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