April 19, 2002

Just because I asked a friend about her,

Just because I watched her blog somewhere,

Just because I rang her number by mistake today,

She thinks I still care…

Evan Day: Yet another Harvard blogger. This proves that Harvard is boring, leaving undergrads nothing to do with their free time except blog, whereas Yale is exciting, leaving undergrads no time to post to their blog while alumni (but not undergrads) form many many many many blogs. ANYWAY, that aside, Day’s got some good campus-nonsense-type stuff, and a wishful-thinking post suggesting that Gore should remake himself as a free-market populist. Don’t hold your breath, Cantab-boy. Oh, and welcome to the blogosphere.

Louder Fenn: More on humans v. persons. Yes, there are persons who aren’t humans–e.g. angels, the Trinity. But I really think this whole distinction is irrelevant to the cloning debate, and it’s used to convince us to remove our protection from those humans we deem unpersons. If you all want to read up on why I reject the application of the human/person distinction to debates about human embryos, the best discussion is “Abortion and the Children of Choice” in Maggie Gallagher’s Enemies of Eros.

Emily Stimpson: Excellent post about women, metaphor, and the Church.

Where HipHop and Libertarianism Meet: What a neat name. But also, a weird, anti-tax-but-also-anti-capitalist rap song in honor of April 15.

Zonitics: More on media bias. Grunt, etc. More McCaininess. And Commie pinko trads at the BBC. Oh, and Bush tithes; Cheney doesn’t.

Must-read, much-blogged Peggy Noonan column on the Pope and the crisis.

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