April 2, 2002

CONTEST!!!!: The new contest is psychological in nature. It’s inspired by an old Yale Free Press back-page ad purporting to list signs of right-wing pathology. The YFP ad featured a word-association test. For example, when left-wing folk heard the word “tolerance,” they thought, “diversity.” Right-wingers thought, “alcohol.” More examples from the YFP:

WORD…………………………………LEFT ………………………………………RIGHT

Health care……………………….Canada…………………………………………..Tylenol & Smirnoff

Joe Camel………………………..Public Enemy #1………………………………Philosopher-King

Eve…………………………………Framed…………………………………………..Insufficiently meek


Global warming……………….Mass death……………………………………..Palm trees



And, of course, WORD: Leo Strauss. LEFT: Who? RIGHT: I did study with Strauss, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m a Straussian. I haven’t said I’m a Straussian.

So, give me more word-associations! You have two weeks. Send ’em to eve_tushnet@yahoo.com. Some possible words to get you started: Plato; Nietzsche; peace process; neo-con; Clinton in Newsweek; Maya Angelou; love; sex; treason; vouchers; diversity. (And yes, I know that these lines are drawn somewhat arbitrarily and incoherently–especially when delineating “the Right.” But work with me here, people…)

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