July 3, 2002

Well I met her in a club down in old Soho

Where they drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry blogwatch

B-L-O-G, blogwatch…

Chickpea Eater’s Bookblog: From Ayn Rand to St. Augustine. Good stuff about the Trinity, and a very interesting question about the filioque. (To my readers for whom there is no such thing as “a very interesting question about the filioque”: Humor me. That’s all I ask.)

Discriminations: Good post on pretty-vacant battles against Bush judicial nominees. I think I got this from Los Volokh.

Unqualified Offerings: Good debunking post on Who Sent the Anthrax?–though I note he doesn’t say anything about the anthrax sent to American Media and the New York Post. Seems to me that any “theory,” no matter how speculative, ought to account for all the anthrax mailings, which few if any of the more hysterical rumor-mongerers bother to do.

Julian Sanchez: Excellent post on “sin taxes.” (And could that term be more indicative of our culture’s worship of health and material goods?)

And I’ve already received a few Stalin Malone suggestions… maybe someone can hook me up with a recipe for making Almost Beaten to the Punch?

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