July 31, 2003

GRATUITOUS: So a commenter at CalPundit’s site (following Kevin Drum’s quite courteous linkage of the Marriage Debate blog) writes, “What gets me about people like Maggie Gallagher and Eve Tushnet is their intellectual and moral conceit that their opposition to gay marriage has nothing to do with animus towards homosexuality or gay people.”

I fear I’m about to be catty, but I can’t help replying, “M’dear, even my ex-girlfriends don’t think I hate gay people!”

Kiss Kiss,


(PS: I know I’ve been shanking on this issue–on Monday I should have a couple short, tart posts posing questions about why marriage is honored in our society. I’ll also give my position on civil unions, and try to put together the “mechanism” post I promised on how same-sex marriage will degrade expectations of marital sexual fidelity. But for the moment, all you get is cattiness.)

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