August 15, 2003

When you drink a quart of blogwatch

with your bacon and your eggs

Kind of a killer when when when when

when you walk the hundred miles to your baby

and your baby has her daddy’s car….

Forager 23: Clarifies his remarks on comics and opera, gently hinting that I totally missed his point. Hey, call it a strong misreading, I’ve always been real into that Harold Bloom guy…? More comicsy stuff here.

Mark Shea and Amy Welborn: Tag-team audience participation posts. Shea asks about non-Catholic authors who drew you toward Catholicism (which, coincidentally, I’ve already written about here) and Welborn asks for general reminiscences of books that drew you to the faith. As you might expect, they get terrific responses. My official must-read recommendations for the day.

Maggie Gallagher on same-sex marriage and divorce. My other must-read recommendation. More on this from me later today.

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