September 9, 2003

FREE TRADE LINKS: All of these links are absolutely worth your time. They touch on major issues of economic justice and care for the poor. Read ’em! TechCentralStation free-trade linkfest.

Cato symposium, featuring both defenders and opponents of globalization, organized by Radley “Agitator” Balko.

And a book review from Reason. Among many other interesting nuggets: “In the United States, sugar quotas alone cost consumers $900 million annually. The high price of sugar has cost the United States around 9,000 jobs in food manufacturing and refining, as many heavy users of sugar have closed down or moved their facilities to other nations.

“Meanwhile, restraints on steel cost about $4 billion and restrictions on maritime shipping cost another $1.3 billion. Irwin cites one 1996 estimate that, all told, U.S. trade barriers cost Americans $32 billion annually.”

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