November 2, 2003

I’m looking for a blogwatch

Someone who gets things fixed

Ask yourself this question:

“Do you want to get rich?”

Grotesque Anatomy: Vast, comprehensive, challenging, helpful, and quite wrong (I say with love) post about same-sex marriage, replying in depth to, well, me. Also, good post about Watchmen. More on both of these posts presently. This week is insane for me, so… watch the skies, I guess. I’ll try to get to both of these posts by Friday.

Kairos: “What’s the best, most accessible book on Christianity, or one of its aspects, that you have ever read? …What makes it accessible, and what makes it best??” I give my answer in the comments–Chesterton’s saint biographies, St. Francis of Assisi and The Dumb Ox: St. Thomas Aquinas.

Combating madrassas–a job for the US government? Good Washington Post piece that gets at the problems (Constitutional issues; who’d trust a US govt school?) as well as the obvious need for somebody to undertake this project. Via a Volokh Conspirator who is too sunshiney about the prospect of the US government and military running religious schools.

Register your beard at the National Beard Registry! Via the Old (and bearderrific) Oligarch.

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